List of days of the year

02 September - The Abbots Bromley Horn Dance performed


The Abbots Bromley Horn Dance is a traditional English folk dance that takes place annually on the first Monday after the first Sunday in September in the village of Abbots Bromley in Staffordshire, England. It is one of the oldest folk customs in the country and has been performed for centuries, with origins that can be traced back to medieval times.

Key features of the Abbots Bromley Horn Dance include:

  1. Participants: The dance involves six men known as "deer men," who carry reindeer antlers, and a musician who plays the accordion. The antlers used in the dance are believed to date back several centuries and are kept in the local church when not in use.

  2. Dance Route: The dance begins in the village square and follows a specific route through the village and surrounding countryside. The dancers visit several key locations, including the village church and the local pubs.

  3. Distinctive Steps and Movements: The dance is characterized by slow, rhythmic steps and movements. The deer men hold the antlers aloft and weave them together as they dance, creating intricate patterns.

  4. Musical Accompaniment: The accordion player provides musical accompaniment for the dance, playing a traditional tune that has been passed down through generations.

  5. Tradition and Mystery: The origins and meaning of the Abbots Bromley Horn Dance are somewhat mysterious. While it is believed to have ancient pagan roots, it has also been associated with customs related to hunting and fertility rituals. The dance has evolved over time and continues to be performed as a unique and cherished tradition.

The Abbots Bromley Horn Dance attracts both locals and tourists alike, drawing people from far and wide to witness this living piece of English folk heritage. It remains an important cultural event and a testament to the enduring power of traditional customs in contemporary society.

 In 2024, the first Sunday in September falls on September 1st. Therefore, the earliest date on which the Abbots Bromley Horn Dance can be performed in 2024 would be on the following day, which is Monday, September 2nd. The dance traditionally takes place on the first Monday after the first Sunday in September each year.


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