List of days of the year

20 November - International Child Rights Day


International Child Rights Day, also known as Universal Children's Day, is observed on November 20th each year. This day marks the anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) on November 20, 1989. The CRC is a human rights treaty that sets out the civil, political, economic, social, health, and cultural rights of children.

International Child Rights Day aims to promote international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and improving children's welfare. It serves as a reminder that children, as human beings, have the right to be treated with dignity and respect and to be protected from discrimination, violence, and exploitation.

On this day, various events and activities are organized globally to raise awareness about children's rights and the challenges they face. Governments, non-governmental organizations, schools, and communities may participate in campaigns, educational programs, and advocacy efforts to emphasize the importance of safeguarding and promoting the rights of children.

The day is an opportunity to reflect on the progress made in ensuring children's rights and to address ongoing issues that affect children globally. It also encourages individuals and organizations to work towards creating a world where every child can grow up in a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment.

20 November - International Film Festival of India (Mon, 20 Nov, 2023 – Tue, 28 Nov, 2023)


The International Film Festival of India (IFFI) is an annual film festival held in Goa, India. It is one of the most significant film festivals in Asia. The festival aims to provide a platform for showcasing the best of international and Indian cinema.

Here are some key points about the International Film Festival of India:

  1. Venue: The primary venue for IFFI is the state of Goa, and the festival often takes place in the capital city, Panaji.

  2. Organized by: IFFI is organized by the Directorate of Film Festivals, which is an organization under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting of the Government of India.

  3. Objective: The festival aims to promote the appreciation of films, encourage filmmakers and artists, and facilitate cultural exchange through cinema. It also includes competitive sections where films from various countries compete for awards.

  4. Sections: IFFI typically includes sections such as the International Competition, Indian Panorama, World Cinema, and other thematic sections showcasing films from different regions and genres.

  5. Awards: The festival presents awards in various categories, recognizing outstanding contributions to filmmaking. Awards may include those for Best Film, Best Director, Best Actor, and others.

  6. Film Screenings: IFFI screens a diverse range of films, including feature films, documentaries, and short films. The festival often features premieres of highly anticipated films.

  7. Cinematic Excellence: IFFI has hosted renowned filmmakers, actors, and industry professionals from around the world, providing a platform for discussions, masterclasses, and interactions.


20 November - World Children's Day


World Children's Day is observed annually on November 20th. This day marks the anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) on November 20, 1989. The CRC is an international treaty that outlines the civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights of children.

World Children's Day is a day dedicated to promoting and celebrating the well-being of children worldwide. It aims to raise awareness of the issues children face globally and to advocate for their rights. The day also serves as a reminder of the ongoing work needed to ensure that every child has access to education, healthcare, and a safe and supportive environment.

Various events and activities take place on World Children's Day, including educational programs, advocacy campaigns, and initiatives to highlight the importance of protecting children's rights. The day provides an opportunity for governments, non-governmental organizations, and individuals to come together to address the challenges faced by children and work towards creating a better future for them. The "Universal Children's Day" is also celebrated in many countries, emphasizing the need for solidarity and action to improve the lives of children around the world.

20 November - Africa Industrialization Day


Africa Industrialization Day is observed annually on November 20th. This day aims to raise awareness of the importance of industrialization in Africa for the economic development of the continent. It is also an occasion to mobilize international support for African countries in their efforts towards sustainable industrialization.

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) plays a significant role in promoting Africa Industrialization Day. UNIDO works with African governments and other stakeholders to enhance industrialization as a means to reduce poverty, create employment opportunities, and foster economic growth.

The celebration of Africa Industrialization Day involves various events, conferences, and activities that focus on the role of industrialization in advancing Africa's economic development. It provides a platform for discussions on challenges, opportunities, and strategies for promoting industrialization in the region. The ultimate goal is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development in Africa through inclusive and environmentally sustainable industrialization.


20 November -Selma Lagerlöf birth anniversary


Selma Lagerlöf was a Swedish author and the first female writer to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. She was born on November 20, 1858, in Mårbacka, Sweden, and passed away on March 16, 1940. Lagerlöf was known for her novels, including the classic "The Wonderful Adventures of Nils" (Nils Holgerssons underbara resa genom Sverige), which is a children's book that also carries strong social and moral messages. Her works often reflected her interest in folklore and a deep connection to nature. Selma Lagerlöf's contributions to literature have left a lasting impact, and her legacy continues to be celebrated.


20 November - Faiz Ahmad Faiz death anniversary


Faiz Ahmad Faiz was born on February 13, 1911, and he passed away on November 20, 1984. He was a Pakistani poet and writer, celebrated for his revolutionary and socially relevant poetry. Faiz Ahmad Faiz played a prominent role in the literary and cultural history of Pakistan and is considered one of the most significant poets of the Urdu language.