List of days of the year

21 September - Gratitude Day


Gratitude Day is celebrated annually on the 21st September. The celebration of Gratitude Day allows both individual citizens and organisations within wider society to celebrate the broad meaning of gratitude in a variety of ways. World Gratitude Day has been designed to bring the whole world together in a day that is all about being thankful. World Gratitude Day joins organizations, nationals, and individuals in sharing their gratitude in a number of different ways. 

21 September - Malta Independence Day

Independence Day is one of the five national holidays in Malta. It celebrates the day the country gained independence from the United Kingdom on 21 September 1964. Throughout its existence, Malta had a long and complex history which resulted in the island being ruled by a plethora of foreign rulers. Such rulers include the likes of the “Phoenicians, Romans, Greeks, Arabs, Normans, Sicilians, Swabians, Aragonese, Hospitallers, French, and British”.Malta's final ruler, Britain, granted Malta self-governance after Malta's brave resistance to the Axis powers and loyalty to Britain during World War Two, which did allow for the movement for independence to grow more in popularity.Malta attained independence from the British Empire and joined the Commonwealth of Nations in 1964 and declared itself a republic a decade later,known as Republic Day.

The Maltese people greatly celebrate the occasion with many activities and ceremonies. The number of activities change every year, but there won't ever be a shortage of them. “There are numerous parades, festivals, musical performances, and cultural events all over the island of Malta and the smaller island of Gozo”.Every Sunday during the months of March to December, the “In Guardia Parades”, a series of historical re-enactments of past battles by veteran reenactors, is played.

21 September - International Day of Peace


International Day of Peace seeks to promote peace among nations and peoples. Peace is recognized as both an innate state of being, and a dynamic evolutionary process wherein constructive growth can occur and the children of this and future generations may gain hope for a better world to inherit.

International Day of Peace was established by the United Nations in 1981. In 2002, the United Nations declared it a permanent holiday. Through education and public awareness events, the UN endeavors to strengthen the ideals of peace among all of the world's inhabitants. International Day of Peace is observed on September 21st each year. On this day, the UN urges all hostilities to stop, worldwide.