List of days of the year

25 February - Quiet Day


Quiet Day is observed every year on February 25. As the name suggests, Quiet Day is about taking a pause and appreciating the sound of silence. Noise is everywhere — be it on the train, in a busy office, in the pub, in the classroom, or even at home! Modern life is noisy; it seems like there is simply no way out of it. Being in the constant presence of noise can be overwhelming and it is important to take a break every once in a while. We know that quiet is good for both the body and the mind. Peace calms us down and helps us re-center ourselves.


25 February - Soviet Occupation Day


Soviet Occupation Day is observed in the country of Georgia on February 25 every year. It is a Memorial Day that commemorates the invasion of Georgia by the Red Army in 1921. The holiday was first established in 2010, with its first observance in 2011. The Georgian announcement of the holiday was in line with Moldova’s own Soviet Occupation Day, meant to remember the Soviet’s occupation on June 28, 1940. Moldova’s Soviet Occupation Day, however, was repealed by its judiciary in 2010. Latvia, another country that was occupied by the Soviet Union, has its own day of remembrance on June 17 every year

25 February - USA celebrates Let’s All Eat Right Day


Let’s All Eat Right Day is celebrated on February 25 each year, as it marks the birthday of Adelle Davis, a famous nutritionist, author, and game-changer in the nutrition movement throughout the 1900s. So we’re here to put a face to some of the integral contributions in nutrition as a field. You have probably heard it said — “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper” — well, this wise adage can be credited to Davis herself.