The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) was set up under an act of Parliament on 10 March 1969 with a strength of around 2,800 personnel and as the name suggests, it was created for the better protection and security of industrial undertakings in the country.
The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) is a federal police organisation in India under the Ministry of Home Affairs. It is one among the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF). CISF provides security to over 356 industrial units (including 13 Private Sector Units), government infrastructure projects and facilities and establishments located all over India. These include atomic power plants, space installations, mines, oil fields and refineries, major ports, heavy engineering, steel plants, barrages, fertiliser units, airports and hydroelectric/thermal power plants owned and controlled by Central Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), and currency note presses.
It was set up under an Act of the Parliament of India on 15 March 1969 with a strength of 2,800. CISF was subsequently made an armed force of India by another Act of Parliament passed on 15 June 1983. Its current active strength is 148,371 personnel.In April 2017, the government raised the sanctioned strength from 145,000 to 180,000 personnel.Among its duties are guarding sensitive governmental buildings, the Delhi Metro, and providing airport security.The CISF is governed by the Union Ministry of Home Affairs, and its headquarters are at New Delhi.
CISF also provides consultancy services to private industries as well as other organisations within the Indian government. The scope of CISF's consulting practice includes security consulting and fire protection consulting.
It also plays a major role in Disaster Management. The CISF has a 'Fire Wing' which helps during fire accidents in Industries where the CISF is on guard.