List of days of the year

08 September - Nuakhai Festival (2024)


Nuakhai is a significant harvest festival celebrated primarily in the western part of Odisha, India, particularly among the people of the Sambalpuri cultural region. The term "Nuakhai" translates to "new food" (Nua means new and Khai means food), signifying the celebration of the season's new rice harvest. This agrarian festival marks the welcoming of the new crop and is observed with great enthusiasm and cultural fervor.

Key Aspects of Nuakhai Festival:

  1. Timing:

    • Nuakhai is celebrated the day after Ganesh Chaturthi, usually in late August or early September, based on the lunar calendar. The exact date is determined by the priests and is considered an auspicious day for the farming community.
  2. Rituals and Traditions:

    • Preparation: In the days leading up to Nuakhai, houses are cleaned, and preparations are made to welcome the new harvest. Special dishes and sweets are prepared from the newly harvested rice.
    • Nabanna: The main ritual involves offering the first grains of the harvest to the presiding deity of the area, known as the Nabanna. This is done to seek blessings for prosperity and good fortune.
    • Family Gatherings: Families come together to celebrate the festival. It is a time for family reunions, feasting, and cultural performances. Traditional clothes are worn, and elders give blessings to the younger members of the family.
  3. Community Celebrations:

    • The festival fosters a sense of community and collective celebration. Villages and towns organize cultural programs, including folk dances (such as Sambalpuri and Dalkhai), music, and traditional games.
    • Nuakhai Bhetghat: This is a social gathering where people meet and greet each other, resolving any past conflicts and renewing social bonds. It is a time for communal harmony and togetherness.
  4. Cultural Significance:

    • Nuakhai is more than just a harvest festival; it is a cultural symbol of western Odisha. It reflects the agrarian lifestyle, the importance of agriculture, and the deep connection of the people with their land and traditions.
    • Traditional Attire: People wear traditional Sambalpuri sarees, dhotis, and other regional garments, showcasing the rich textile heritage of the area.
  5. Economic Importance:

    • The festival has economic implications as well, boosting local markets with the sale of agricultural produce, traditional clothing, and festival-related items.


Nuakhai is a celebration of gratitude for a bountiful harvest and a time for renewing bonds within families and communities. It embodies the cultural and agricultural heritage of Odisha, promoting values of harmony, prosperity, and collective joy. The festival's vibrant customs and traditions make it a cherished occasion for the people of western Odisha.

08 September - Queen Elizabeth II death anniversary


Queen Elizabeth II, born on 21 April  1926, is one of the most enduring and iconic figures in British and world history. She ascended to the throne on 06 February 1952, following the passing of her father, King George VI. Her reign has spanned over seven decades, making her the longest-reigning current monarch and the longest-serving queen regnant in world history.

During her reign, Queen Elizabeth II has witnessed significant changes in the United Kingdom and the world. She has provided a stabilizing presence through times of great change, including the dissolution of the British Empire, the end of the Cold War, and the evolution of the European Union. Her role as a constitutional monarch means she has played a ceremonial and unifying role in the UK's political landscape.

Throughout her life, Queen Elizabeth II has demonstrated a strong sense of duty and commitment to public service. She has met with countless world leaders, dignitaries, and citizens, representing the United Kingdom on the global stage. Her annual Christmas broadcasts have become a cherished tradition, offering messages of hope and reflection to the nation and the Commonwealth.

On 08 September 2022, Queen Elizabeth II passed away, marking the end of an era in British history. Her legacy as a symbol of continuity, resilience, and devotion to her country and the Commonwealth will be remembered for generations to come.


08 September - World Physical Therapy Day


World Physical Therapy Day is observed annually on September 8th. It is a global event dedicated to raising awareness about the important role that physical therapists (sometimes known as physiotherapists) play in healthcare and promoting the benefits of physical therapy for people of all ages and backgrounds.

Physical therapists are healthcare professionals who specialize in helping individuals maintain, improve, or restore their physical function and mobility. They work with people who have a wide range of medical conditions, injuries, and disabilities. Their expertise includes rehabilitation after surgery, injury prevention, pain management, and the promotion of overall health and well-being through physical activity.

The goals of World Physical Therapy Day include:

  1. Raising Awareness: The day aims to increase public awareness of the profession of physical therapy and its positive impact on people's lives.

  2. Promoting Health and Well-Being: Physical therapists encourage people to stay active, adopt healthier lifestyles, and prevent injuries through exercise and movement.

  3. Celebrating Achievements: It's an opportunity for physical therapists to showcase their achievements, research, and contributions to healthcare.

  4. Advocacy: World Physical Therapy Day often involves advocacy efforts to improve access to physical therapy services and recognition of the profession's importance within healthcare systems worldwide.

Each year, there is a specific theme for World Physical Therapy Day that highlights different aspects of the profession. Events and activities on this day may include seminars, workshops, health screenings, exercise classes, and community outreach programs organized by physical therapy associations, hospitals, clinics, and educational institutions.


08 September - Michelangelo's David unveiled in Piazza della Signoria in Florence.


Michelangelo's David is indeed one of the most iconic and celebrated sculptures in the world of art. While the exact date of its unveiling in Piazza della Signoria in Florence is often associated with September 8, 1504, there is some debate among historians regarding the precise date. Some sources suggest it may have been unveiled on September 8, while others propose it could have been September 9 or even earlier.

Regardless of the specific date, the unveiling of Michelangelo's David marked a significant moment in the history of Renaissance art and Florence's cultural heritage. The sculpture, which stands approximately 17 feet (5.2 meters) tall, depicts the biblical hero David who defeated the giant Goliath with a single stone. Michelangelo's David is renowned for its exceptional craftsmanship, attention to detail, and the way it beautifully captures the human form.

The statue was originally commissioned as part of a series of sculptures for the Florence Cathedral. However, due to its remarkable quality, it was eventually placed on public display in the Piazza della Signoria, where it became a symbol of the city's strength and artistic achievement. Today, the original sculpture is housed in the Accademia Gallery in Florence, while a replica stands in its original outdoor location in the Piazza della Signoria, protecting the masterpiece from the elements. Michelangelo's David remains an enduring symbol of Renaissance art and human potential.