List of days of the year

05 July - Tynwald Day


Tynwald Day is the national day of the Isle of Man, celebrated annually on July 5th. It is a significant cultural and historical event, marking the occasion when the island's parliament, Tynwald, convenes in an open-air setting at St John's. This unique event is one of the oldest continuous parliamentary assemblies in the world, with roots tracing back over a thousand years.

Key Features of Tynwald Day:

  1. Historical Significance:

    • The Tynwald, or Thingvollr, derives from the Old Norse word "þingvǫllr," meaning "assembly field."
    • The tradition of Tynwald dates back to the Viking Age, around the 9th century, and has continued uninterrupted.
  2. Ceremonial Proceedings:

    • Procession: The day begins with a grand procession from St John's Chapel to Tynwald Hill, involving members of the Tynwald Court, including the Lieutenant Governor, Members of the House of Keys, and the Legislative Council.
    • Open-Air Meeting: The Tynwald Court meets in the open air on Tynwald Hill, a four-tiered hill reputed to have been used since ancient times.
    • Reading of Laws: New laws are promulgated in both English and Manx Gaelic. This public reading is a legal requirement for the laws to be considered enacted.
  3. Cultural Celebrations:

    • Manx Music and Dance: Traditional music and dance performances showcase the Isle of Man's rich cultural heritage.
    • Crafts and Displays: Local artisans display Manx crafts, and various cultural exhibits are set up for visitors.
    • Fair and Festivities: The day is also marked by a fair with stalls, games, and entertainment, reflecting the community spirit of the island.
  4. Religious Observances:

    • A church service is held at St John's Chapel, emphasizing the historical intertwining of faith and governance on the island.
  5. Modern Adaptations:

    • While retaining its ancient traditions, Tynwald Day has evolved to include contemporary elements such as speeches by political leaders, addressing current issues and the future direction of the Isle of Man.


  • Civic Pride: Tynwald Day is a source of pride for the Manx people, symbolizing their unique identity and self-governance.
  • Historical Continuity: The day underscores the continuity and resilience of one of the oldest parliamentary systems in the world.
  • Cultural Heritage: It is a celebration of Manx culture, language, and traditions, fostering a sense of community and belonging.

In Summary:

Tynwald Day is not just a day of legislative procedure; it is a vibrant celebration of Manx heritage and community. It bridges the past and present, honoring ancient traditions while engaging with contemporary issues, making it a cornerstone of the Isle of Man's cultural and political life.

05 July - PV Sindhu birthday


Special Cover on National Sports Day P.V sindhu, badminton player, tokyo 2020 olympics

Pusarla Venkata Sindhu, commonly known as PV Sindhu, is a renowned Indian badminton player. She is celebrated for her achievements on the international stage and has made significant contributions to Indian sports. Here are some key points about her life and career:

Early Life and Background

  • Birth: PV Sindhu was born on 05 July 1995, in Hyderabad, India.
  • Family: Her parents, P.V. Ramana and P. Vijaya, were both national-level volleyball players, which influenced her early interest in sports.
  • Start in Badminton: Sindhu began playing badminton at the age of eight, inspired by the success of Pullela Gopichand, a renowned Indian badminton player and coach.

Career Highlights

  • Training: She trained under Pullela Gopichand at his academy in Hyderabad, honing her skills and discipline.
  • International Success:
    • 2012 Asian Junior Championships: Sindhu won the gold medal, marking her emergence on the international scene.
    • 2013 World Championships: She became the first Indian woman to win a medal (bronze) at the World Championships.
    • Olympic Medals:
      • 2016 Rio Olympics: Sindhu won the silver medal, becoming the first Indian woman to win an Olympic silver in badminton.
      • 2020 Tokyo Olympics: She won the bronze medal, making her the first Indian woman to win two individual Olympic medals.
    • World Championships:
      • 2017 and 2018: Sindhu won silver medals.
      • 2019: She became the first Indian to win the BWF World Championships gold medal.
  • Other Major Titles:
    • Commonwealth Games: Gold and silver medals in singles and mixed team events.
    • BWF Superseries and World Tour: Multiple titles, establishing her as one of the top players in the world.

Playing Style and Strengths

  • Style: Sindhu is known for her aggressive playing style, powerful smashes, and exceptional athleticism.
  • Physical Fitness: Her height (179 cm or 5 ft 10 in) and reach give her an advantage in retrieving shots and executing powerful smashes.

Recognition and Awards

  • Awards: Sindhu has received numerous accolades, including the Padma Bhushan, India's third-highest civilian award, the Padma Shri, and the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna, India's highest sporting honor.
  • Role Model: She is an inspiration to many young athletes in India and around the world, known for her dedication, hard work, and sportsmanship.

Personal Life and Impact

  • Advocacy and Influence: Sindhu is an advocate for sports in India and often participates in initiatives to promote badminton and fitness.
  • Global Presence: Her success has elevated the status of Indian badminton on the global stage and has encouraged increased participation and investment in the sport.

PV Sindhu's journey from a young aspiring athlete to a global badminton icon is a testament to her perseverance, talent, and passion for the sport. Her achievements have not only brought glory to India but have also inspired a generation of young athletes to pursue their dreams.

05 July - Independence Day Cape Verde


Cape Verde, also known as Cabo Verde, celebrates its Independence Day on 05th July each year. This significant day marks the anniversary of the country's independence from Portuguese colonial rule in 1975.

Historical Context

Cape Verde was discovered and colonized by the Portuguese in the 15th century. It became an important center for the Atlantic slave trade due to its strategic location. The struggle for independence began in the 1950s, led by the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC), under the leadership of Amílcar Cabral. After years of resistance and political efforts, Cape Verde finally gained its independence on 05 July 1975.

Celebrations and Traditions

Independence Day in Cape Verde is a public holiday and is celebrated with great enthusiasm across the islands. The celebrations typically include:

  • Parades and Official Ceremonies: Various parades and official ceremonies take place, with speeches from political leaders and dignitaries.
  • Cultural Events: Traditional music, dance, and performances showcase the rich cultural heritage of Cape Verde. The islands are known for their unique blend of African, Portuguese, and Brazilian influences.
  • Community Gatherings: Families and communities come together to celebrate with feasts, often featuring traditional Cape Verdean cuisine.
  • Festivals: Some islands host festivals that include activities such as boat races, sporting events, and art exhibitions.


Independence Day is a time for Cape Verdeans to reflect on their history, celebrate their cultural identity, and honor the sacrifices made by those who fought for freedom. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of national unity and progress.