List of days of the year

22 May - Musical Instrument Day


Musical Instrument Day is celebrated on May 22nd each year. This day is dedicated to encouraging people of all ages to play and appreciate musical instruments. It's a great opportunity to explore different types of instruments, learn about their history, and perhaps even pick up a new instrument to play.

Activities to celebrate Musical Instrument Day might include:

  • Learning to play a new instrument.
  • Practicing on an instrument you already know how to play.
  • Attending a live music performance or concert.
  • Visiting a music museum or exhibit.
  • Sharing music and playing instruments with friends and family.
  • Teaching someone else how to play an instrument.
  • Exploring different genres of music and the instruments used in them.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced musician, Musical Instrument Day is a time to celebrate the joy and creativity that comes from playing and appreciating music.


22 May - The Wright Brothers patent their aircraft.


The Wright Brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright, did not patent their aircraft as a whole but rather patented several key innovations and components that were integral to the design and operation of their flying machines. On May 22, 1906, the Wright Brothers were granted U.S. Patent No. 821,393 for their "Flying-Machine," which covered their method of controlling an aircraft through a series of movable surfaces to achieve lateral and longitudinal stability and control.

This patent, often referred to as the "Wright Flyer patent," was a significant milestone in the history of aviation as it granted the Wright Brothers exclusive rights to their invention for a period of 17 years. However, the patent also sparked numerous legal battles and controversies as other aviators and aircraft manufacturers challenged the Wrights' claims to priority in flight technology.

Despite the patent, the Wright Brothers faced significant challenges in enforcing their intellectual property rights, and their achievements in aviation ultimately relied more on their practical demonstrations and pioneering flights rather than legal protections. Nonetheless, their innovations laid the groundwork for modern aviation and profoundly influenced the development of aircraft technology.


22 May - Abolition Day Martinique


Abolition Day in Martinique, observed on May 22nd, commemorates the abolition of slavery in the French West Indies. This significant historical event marks the end of the brutal system of chattel slavery that oppressed millions of Africans and their descendants in the Caribbean.

Abolition Day is a solemn occasion for reflection, remembrance, and celebration of freedom. It serves as a reminder of the resilience and resistance of enslaved people who fought against oppression and injustice. The day is also an opportunity to honor the contributions of abolitionists and activists who campaigned tirelessly for the abolition of slavery.

On Abolition Day, various activities and events take place in Martinique to commemorate the abolition of slavery.

Abolition Day is a time to acknowledge the dark legacy of slavery while also celebrating the resilience, strength, and cultural heritage of the Martinican people. It serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for freedom, justice, and equality in Martinique and around the world.

22 May - United States National Maritime Day


United States National Maritime Day is observed annually on May 22nd to honor the American Merchant Marine and the maritime industry. Established by Congress in 1933, this day commemorates the maritime industry's vital contributions to the nation's economy and security. It also marks the anniversary of the first transoceanic voyage of the American steamship Savannah, which set sail from Savannah, Georgia, to Liverpool, England, on May 22, 1819.

National Maritime Day recognizes the essential role of the Merchant Marine in transporting goods during peacetime and supporting military operations during wartime. The day is celebrated with various events and activities, including:

  1. Ceremonies and Wreath-Laying: Official ceremonies, often featuring speeches by government and maritime industry leaders, are held to honor merchant mariners. Wreath-laying ceremonies at memorials and monuments pay tribute to those who have served and sacrificed in the Merchant Marine.

  2. Educational Programs: Schools, maritime academies, and museums host educational programs and exhibitions to teach the public about the history and importance of the Merchant Marine and the broader maritime industry.

  3. Ship Tours and Demonstrations: Open houses and tours of ships, including historical vessels and modern merchant ships, provide the public with an opportunity to learn about maritime operations and the life of merchant mariners.

  4. Community Events: Parades, festivals, and community gatherings celebrate the maritime heritage of coastal cities and towns, often featuring maritime music, food, and cultural activities.

  5. Proclamations and Recognitions: Federal, state, and local governments issue proclamations recognizing the day and the contributions of the maritime industry to national prosperity and security.

United States National Maritime Day is a time to honor the legacy and ongoing contributions of the Merchant Marine, highlighting their crucial role in both commerce and national defense.

22 May - National Sovereignty Day Haiti


National Sovereignty Day in Haiti is celebrated annually on May 22nd. This day marks an important moment in the nation's history, celebrating Haiti's sovereignty and independence. It serves as a reminder of Haiti's struggle for freedom and its success in becoming the first independent black republic and the first country in the Western Hemisphere to abolish slavery.

On National Sovereignty Day, Haitians honor their ancestors' bravery and resilience through various cultural and patriotic activities. These include:

  1. Official Ceremonies: Government officials and leaders deliver speeches emphasizing the importance of sovereignty and reflecting on Haiti's journey towards independence.
  2. Parades and Public Gatherings: Communities come together in parades and public events to celebrate their national pride and shared heritage.
  3. Cultural Performances: Traditional music, dance, and theatrical performances highlight Haiti's rich cultural history and the spirit of its people.
  4. Educational Programs: Schools and universities hold special lectures and discussions about Haiti's history, the significance of sovereignty, and the ongoing efforts to maintain national pride and unity.
  5. Reflection and Unity: The day serves as a time for Haitians to reflect on their nation's past, celebrate their cultural identity, and reaffirm their commitment to a prosperous and sovereign future.

National Sovereignty Day is a significant occasion for Haitians to celebrate their independence, honor their cultural heritage, and reflect on the values of freedom and unity that define their nation.


22 May - Republic Day Sri Lanka


Republic Day in Sri Lanka is celebrated annually on May 22nd, marking the day in 1972 when Sri Lanka, formerly known as Ceylon, became a republic and adopted its new constitution. This significant event transformed the nation from a Commonwealth realm with the British monarch as head of state to a fully sovereign republic with its own President. Republic Day is a time of national pride and reflection, featuring official ceremonies, patriotic speeches, and cultural events that honor the country's rich history and heritage. Citizens across Sri Lanka participate in various festivities, including parades and cultural performances, to celebrate their nation's journey toward self-governance and democracy. The day serves as a reminder of the country's resilience, unity, and commitment to building a prosperous and inclusive future for all its people.

22 May - Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra to Bari (Ukraine)


The feast of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra to Bari is celebrated on May 22nd, particularly among Orthodox Christians in Ukraine and other countries. This day commemorates the event in 1087 when the relics of Saint Nicholas, the Bishop of Myra, were transferred to Bari, Italy, to protect them from Turkish invaders.

Saint Nicholas, also known as Nicholas the Wonderworker, is one of the most revered saints in both the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic traditions. His relics were moved from Myra (modern-day Demre, Turkey) to Bari, where they are now enshrined in the Basilica di San Nicola. This translation was significant as it helped preserve the relics during a time of uncertainty and conflict in the region.

In Ukraine, the day is observed with various religious activities:

  1. Divine Liturgy: Special church services, including the Divine Liturgy, are held to honor Saint Nicholas and celebrate the transfer of his relics.
  2. Prayers and Hymns: Devotees participate in prayers and hymns dedicated to Saint Nicholas, asking for his intercession and blessings.
  3. Processions: In some areas, religious processions may take place, symbolizing the journey of Saint Nicholas's relics from Myra to Bari.
  4. Icon Veneration: Icons of Saint Nicholas are venerated, and people light candles and offer flowers as a sign of respect and devotion.
  5. Reflection on Saint Nicholas’s Life: Sermons and teachings focus on the life, miracles, and enduring legacy of Saint Nicholas, emphasizing his role as a protector and miracle-worker.

This feast day is a significant religious observance, reflecting the deep veneration of Saint Nicholas in Ukrainian Orthodox Christianity and his importance as a spiritual figure of charity, protection, and miracles.

22 May - Unity Day Yemen


Unity Day in Yemen is celebrated annually on May 22nd to commemorate the unification of North Yemen and South Yemen into a single republic in 1990. This day marks a significant event in Yemen's history, symbolizing the country's efforts to establish national unity and solidarity.

Unity Day is observed with various activities and celebrations, which may include:

  1. Official Ceremonies: Government officials and leaders deliver speeches highlighting the importance of unity and reflecting on the progress and challenges faced by the nation since unification.

  2. Cultural Events: Various cultural performances, including traditional music, dance, and poetry, showcase the rich heritage and diversity of Yemen.

  3. Public Celebrations: Citizens participate in parades, public gatherings, and community events to express their patriotism and commitment to national unity.

  4. Media Broadcasts: Television and radio programs feature documentaries, interviews, and discussions about the history of Yemen's unification and its impact on the country's development.

  5. Educational Programs: Schools and universities may hold special classes, lectures, and discussions to educate students about the significance of Unity Day and the historical context of Yemen's unification.

Unity Day serves as a reminder of the importance of national cohesion and the ongoing efforts to maintain peace and stability in Yemen. It is a day for Yemenis to celebrate their shared identity and reflect on their aspirations for a united and prosperous future.


22 May - World Goth Day


World Goth Day, celebrated annually on May 22nd, is dedicated to the goth subculture, highlighting its distinctive music, fashion, and art. This day provides an opportunity for goths to express their identity and for others to learn more about this unique cultural movement. Celebrations often include dressing in traditional gothic attire, characterized by black clothing, elaborate accessories, and dramatic makeup. Fans of the genre might listen to iconic goth bands such as The Cure, Bauhaus, and Siouxsie and the Banshees, or contemporary artists who contribute to the goth music scene. Additionally, many participate in goth-themed events, parties, and club nights organized in various locations. Immersing oneself in gothic literature, art, and films is another way to celebrate, exploring the dark and romantic themes central to the subculture. Social media plays a significant role, with enthusiasts using hashtags like #WorldGothDay to share their experiences and connect with the global goth community. Supporting goth businesses by purchasing fashion items, artwork, and music is also a common way to honor the day. World Goth Day is a celebration of the creativity and diversity within the goth subculture, offering a chance for both goths and non-goths to appreciate its unique contributions to the broader cultural landscape.

22 May - Ceylon changed its name to Sri Lanka in 1972


Ceylon officially changed its name to Sri Lanka on May 22, 1972. This change was made to reflect a shift in the country's identity and to move away from its colonial past. It was also part of a broader transformation from a dominion within the British Commonwealth to a fully independent republic. Sri Lanka means "Resplendent Island" in Sanskrit and is a name that resonates with the country's cultural and historical heritage.

22 May - Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle birth anniversary


Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle, born on 22 May 1859, was a Scottish writer best known for his detective fiction featuring the character Sherlock Holmes. Originally a physician, in 1887 he published A Study in Scarlet, the first of four novels about Holmes and Dr. Watson.

22 May - Ghulam Mohammad Baksh Butt


Ghulam Mohammad Baksh Butt/The Great Gama, born on 22 May 1878 and passed away on 23 May 1960, was a pehlwani wrestler in British India and a strongman. In the early 20th century, he was an undefeated wrestling champion of the world