Sunanda Patnaik (7 November 1934 – 19 January 2020) was an Indian classical singer of Gwalior gharana from Odisha.Popularly known as "guruma",she was considered one of the grande dames of Hindustani music.She was the daughter of Odia poet Baikunthanath Patnaik. She started singing at All India Radio in Cuttack in 1948 at the age of 14. The then Odisha Governor Asaf Ali once heard her on Radio and was very impressed with her singing and she became a regular fixture at the Raj Bhavan whenever the Governor had guests. Once, President Rajendra Prasad heard her at Puri. He was very impressed with her singing and arranged her training under Pandit Vinayak Rao Pattavardhan at Pune with a scholarship. She was awarded the degree of Masters in Music by Pune School in 1956. She performed at All India Sadrang Sageet Sammelan in Calcutta in September 1957 where she received 13 gold coins. Since then she did many concerts in India and was known internationally. She was best known for her tarana that she sang at a high pace and was considered one of the best contemporary interpreters of Odissi music. She was staying at Kolkata since 1983.