List of days of the year

05 June - Global Running Day


Global Running Day, celebrated annually on the first Wednesday in June, is a worldwide event that encourages people of all ages and abilities to get moving and embrace the joy of running. This day promotes physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle by uniting runners from around the globe in a shared commitment to running. Whether you're a seasoned marathoner or a casual jogger, Global Running Day is an opportunity to set personal goals, challenge yourself, and connect with the global running community. Participants are encouraged to share their runs on social media, join virtual races, and take part in local running events to inspire others to lace up their sneakers and hit the pavement. The event also emphasizes the importance of running as a fun and accessible way to improve overall well-being, reduce stress, and foster a sense of community. By celebrating Global Running Day, individuals contribute to a global movement that highlights the positive impact of running on both personal health and collective spirit.

05 June - Hot Air Balloon Day


Hot Air Balloon Day is celebrated annually on June 5th, commemorating the fascinating and picturesque activity of hot air ballooning. This day honors the invention of the hot air balloon and the joy it brings to people who experience the serene and breathtaking views from above.

Historical Background

  • First Flight: The first untethered manned hot air balloon flight was conducted by the Montgolfier brothers, Joseph-Michel and Jacques-Étienne, in France on November 21, 1783. Their pioneering flight marked the beginning of human aviation.
  • Modern Hot Air Ballooning: Today, hot air balloons are used for recreation, festivals, and even competitive sports, continuing to captivate with their vibrant colors and graceful flight.

Celebrating Hot Air Balloon Day

  1. Take a Balloon Ride: Experience the beauty of a hot air balloon ride if there are events or companies offering rides near you.
  2. Attend a Balloon Festival: Visit a hot air balloon festival to see numerous balloons launch, often in stunning patterns and colors.
  3. Learn About Ballooning: Read about the history and science of hot air ballooning, including how balloons are designed and operated.
  4. Photography: Capture the beauty of hot air balloons in flight, either by attending a launch event or photographing balloons from a scenic vantage point.
  5. Social Media: Share your hot air balloon experiences or favorite photos using the hashtag #HotAirBalloonDay.

Fun Facts About Hot Air Balloons

  • Height Records: The highest flight in a hot air balloon reached over 69,000 feet, achieved by Per Lindstrand and Richard Branson in 1991.
  • Long Distance: The longest distance flown in a hot air balloon is over 25,361 miles, accomplished by Bertrand Piccard and Brian Jones in 1999 during their round-the-world flight.
  • Balloon Construction: Modern balloons are made from durable, lightweight fabrics like nylon, with the basket typically made from wicker for its strength and flexibility.

Tips for a Hot Air Balloon Ride

  • Dress Comfortably: Wear layers, as temperatures can vary.
  • Safety First: Follow all instructions from the balloon operator.
  • Bring a Camera: Capture the stunning views from above.
  • Stay Hydrated: Bring water, especially for longer rides.


Hot Air Balloon Day is a perfect occasion to appreciate the elegance and adventure of hot air ballooning. Whether you take a ride, attend a festival, or simply learn more about this fascinating mode of flight, it's a day to celebrate the innovation and beauty of hot air balloons.


05 June - National Gingerbread Day (United States)


National Gingerbread Day, observed on June 5th each year, celebrates the sweet and spicy treat enjoyed by many around the world. Gingerbread, known for its rich flavors and festive decorations, has a storied history and is enjoyed in various forms, from cookies to cakes to elaborately decorated houses.

Celebrating National Gingerbread Day

  1. Baking Gingerbread: Make gingerbread cookies, cakes, or houses. Try new recipes or family favorites.
  2. Decorating Gingerbread Houses: Have a fun session decorating gingerbread houses with friends or family.
  3. Learning About Gingerbread History: Explore the origins and cultural significance of gingerbread through books or online resources.
  4. Supporting Local Bakers: Buy gingerbread treats from local bakeries to support small businesses.
  5. Sharing on Social Media: Post photos of your gingerbread creations using the hashtag #NationalGingerbreadDay.

Historical and Fun Facts About Gingerbread

  • Ancient Origins: Gingerbread can be traced back to ancient Greece and Egypt, where it was used in ceremonial purposes.
  • European Tradition: In medieval Europe, gingerbread was a popular treat, often shaped into decorative forms and used for celebrations.
  • Gingerbread Houses: The tradition of making gingerbread houses started in Germany in the early 19th century, inspired by the fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel" by the Brothers Grimm.
  • Varieties of Gingerbread: Gingerbread can be soft and cake-like or crisp and cookie-like. Each region often has its unique twist on the recipe.
  • Spices and Flavors: Classic gingerbread recipes include spices like ginger, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and sometimes black pepper for an extra kick.

Ideas for Gingerbread Recipes

  • Classic Gingerbread Cookies: Soft and chewy or crisp and snappy, perfect for decorating.
  • Gingerbread Cake: Moist and flavorful, often served with a dollop of whipped cream.
  • Gingerbread Loaf: A spiced bread that's great for breakfast or as a snack.
  • Gingerbread Pancakes: A festive twist on breakfast, perfect for the holiday season.


National Gingerbread Day is a wonderful occasion to celebrate the delightful treat that brings warmth and nostalgia to many. Whether you’re baking, decorating, or simply enjoying the rich flavors, it’s a day to savor the joys of gingerbread and share them with those around you.

05 June - USA celebrates National Tailors Day


National Tailors Day is celebrated each year on the first Wednesday of June — this year it falls on June 5. The tailoring industries of many countries have played an important role in the country’s economic progress. This day celebrates those specialists who create, modify, or restore old clothes so that they can fit their individual customers perfectly. We, as customers, should show our gratitude towards tailors on this day.