List of days of the year

26 July - Alice in Wonderland premiered in London in 1951


Alice in Wonderland is a 1951 American animated musical fantasy comedy film produced by Walt Disney Productions and based on the Alice books by Lewis Carroll.Alice in Wonderland was the thirteenth release of Disney's animated features.

When it premiered in London on July 26, 1951, and in New York City on July 28, 1951, Alice in Wonderland was considered a disappointment on its initial release, therefore was shown on television as one of the first episodes of Disneyland. Its 1974 re-release in theaters proved to be much more successful, leading to subsequent re-releases, merchandising and home video releases. Although the film received generally negative critical reviews on its initial release, it has been more positively reviewed over the years.

26 July - Independence Day Liberia


Independence Day in Liberia is celebrated on July 26th each year. It commemorates the country's declaration of independence from the American Colonization Society on July 26, 1847, making Liberia the first independent republic in Africa.

Liberia was founded by freed and repatriated African-Americans and free-born African-Americans who sought to establish a colony in Africa where formerly enslaved people from the United States could live freely and govern themselves. The country was named after the Latin word "liber," which means "free."

On Independence Day, Liberians celebrate their nation's history, culture, and achievements. The day is marked with various events, including parades, flag-raising ceremonies, cultural performances, and speeches by government officials. It is a time for national pride, reflection, and unity as Liberians come together to honor their past and look toward the future.


26 July - Independence Day Maldives


In the past, the Maldives, like many other countries throughout the world, was ruled by the British Empire. They, however, did not become a British Protectorate until 1887 after many attempts. The Maldives only benefited from the new status by preventing the British from interfering with their internal affairs. If the country were to engage in any international activity, the British government would have to be consulted first. To get the Maldives to cooperate, the British offered to defend the country in exchange.

On July 26, 1965, the Maldives was granted total autonomy. The independence was crucial because it gave the country the ability to take control of its economy and develop as it saw fit. The conclusion of World War II brought about the independence of two neighboring countries, Sri Lanka and India, both of which were colonized by the British, motivating the Maldives to pursue their own independence.

It became even more pressing when three southern atolls were claimed as part of a brief Suvadive Republic from 1959 to 1963. The Maldives was admitted as a member of the United Nations within two months of achieving independence. On October 12, 1965, their national flag was hoisted at the headquarters.

 The Independence Day celebrations in Maldives typically include various events, parades, flag hoisting ceremonies, cultural performances, and speeches by government officials. It is a day of national pride and patriotism for the Maldivian people, as they commemorate the day their nation became an independent and sovereign country.