List of days of the year

29 October - Coronation Day in Cambodia -King Norodom Sihamoni


King Norodom Sihamoni, who became the reigning monarch of Cambodia, had his coronation ceremony on October 29, 2004. His ascension marked a significant event in Cambodian history. The date of King Sihamoni's coronation, October 29th, is celebrated as a national holiday in Cambodia, known as "Coronation Day." 

Coronation Day in Cambodia is a significant national holiday that celebrates the coronation of the reigning monarch. Cambodia has a constitutional monarchy, and the king or monarch plays a ceremonial role in the country's governance.

The holiday typically marks the anniversary of the king's ascension to the throne or the date of their official coronation. It is a day of great importance for the Cambodian people, and various celebrations and events are held across the country to commemorate the occasion. These may include parades, traditional ceremonies, cultural performances, and displays of national pride.

Coronation Day is an opportunity for Cambodians to express their loyalty and respect for the monarch and to celebrate the unity and cultural heritage of their nation. The specific date of Coronation Day may vary depending on the reigning monarch and when they ascended to the throne.


29 October - The Turkish Republic was officially proclaimed in 1923 in Ankara


The official proclamation of the Turkish Republic occurred on October 29, 1923, in Ankara, Turkey. This date is now celebrated annually as Republic Day (Cumhuriyet Bayramı) in Turkey, marking the anniversary of the founding of the modern Turkish state. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the leader of the Turkish War of Independence and the country's first president, played a central role in the establishment of the Turkish Republic. Under his leadership, Turkey underwent significant political, social, and cultural reforms, transforming it from an Ottoman Empire remnant into a modern, secular, and democratic nation-state. Republic Day is one of the most important national holidays in Turkey and is celebrated with various events, ceremonies, and festivities throughout the country.

29 October - World Stroke Day


World Stroke Day is observed annually on October 29th. This global event is dedicated to raising awareness about strokes, their prevention, treatment, and the importance of taking action to reduce the impact of this medical condition. Strokes are a significant public health concern and a leading cause of disability and death worldwide. Here are some key points about World Stroke Day:

  1. Objective: The primary objective of World Stroke Day is to promote awareness about strokes and educate people on the risk factors, symptoms, and the importance of early intervention.

  2. Global Initiative: World Stroke Day is organized by the World Stroke Organization (WSO), a global body that aims to reduce the incidence of stroke and improve the quality of care for stroke patients.

  3. Theme: Each year, World Stroke Day has a specific theme to focus on particular aspects of stroke prevention and treatment. Themes often revolve around lifestyle choices, risk factors, and stroke recovery.

  4. Activities: Events and activities on this day can include public awareness campaigns, educational programs, free medical check-ups, and seminars to help people recognize the signs of stroke and understand the importance of timely medical attention.

  5. Social Media Campaigns: Many organizations, healthcare providers, and individuals use social media platforms to share information, personal stories, and resources related to stroke awareness and prevention.

  6. Collaboration: Health professionals, governments, and nonprofit organizations collaborate to highlight the significance of stroke prevention and the need for accessible and high-quality stroke care.

Strokes can have devastating consequences, but many are preventable through healthy lifestyle choices and timely medical care. World Stroke Day plays a vital role in disseminating this crucial information and encouraging individuals to take steps to reduce their risk of strokes and to act quickly if they or someone they know experiences stroke symptoms.

29 October - USA National Cat Day


National Cat Day is celebrated in various countries. In some areas it is an awareness day to raise public awareness of cat adoption.

In the US and Canada, National Cat Day is an awareness day to raise public awareness of cat adoption, taking place on August 8 in Canada and October 29 in the United States.

The National Cat Day website states that the holiday was first celebrated in 2005 "to help galvanize the public to recognize the number of cats that need to be rescued each year and also to encourage cat lovers to celebrate the cat(s) in their life for the unconditional love and companionship they bestow upon us." The day was founded by Colleen Paige, a pet and family lifestyle expert, who was supported by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, which is a nonprofit pet adoption organization.