List of days of the year

27 June - The first Automated Teller Machine (ATM) was installed in 1967


The first Automated Teller Machine (ATM) was installed on 27 June 1967, at a branch of Barclays Bank in Enfield, North London. This revolutionary invention was the brainchild of John Shepherd-Barron, a Scottish inventor working for the company De La Rue, which specialized in printing currency and secure documents. The concept for the ATM struck Shepherd-Barron while he was taking a bath. He thought about how chocolate vending machines dispensed products and envisioned a similar device that could dispense cash, thereby offering banking services outside of regular business hours.

The initial ATM system did not use the plastic cards with magnetic strips that are common today. Instead, it operated with special vouchers that were pre-printed with radioactive ink, which acted as a security measure. Customers needed to insert these vouchers into the machine, which would then verify the authenticity of the ink. Once validated, the machine dispensed a fixed amount of cash—initially, £10 per transaction. To further ensure security, customers had to enter a personal identification number (PIN).

The launch of the first ATM was a significant milestone in banking, marking the beginning of a new era of convenience and 24-hour banking services. The introduction of ATMs transformed the banking landscape by reducing the need for human tellers for basic transactions and making cash more accessible to customers at any time. Over the years, the technology evolved, leading to the development of modern ATMs that use cards with magnetic strips and later, chip technology, along with a wide range of banking functions beyond simple cash withdrawals.

27 June - Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) officially opened in 1998


Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) officially opened on 27 June 1998. This airport is located in Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia, and serves as the main international gateway to Malaysia. KLIA was built to replace the older Subang Airport (now Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport) and has since become one of the busiest airports in Southeast Asia.

The opening of KLIA marked a significant advancement in Malaysia's infrastructure, providing a modern and efficient hub for international and domestic air travel. It has consistently been recognized for its innovative design and facilities, including its main terminal building, which features a striking architectural style inspired by Islamic art and culture.

Since its opening, KLIA has played a crucial role in connecting Malaysia to the rest of the world, supporting tourism, trade, and economic growth in the region.

27 June - National Onion Day


National Onion Day is celebrated on June 27th each year. It's a day dedicated to appreciating and enjoying onions, which are a versatile and essential ingredient in many cuisines around the world. People celebrate by cooking dishes that highlight onions, sharing recipes, and learning more about the various types and uses of onions in cooking. It's also a time to recognize the health benefits of onions, which include being a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Whether raw, grilled, sautéed, or caramelized, onions add flavor and depth to countless dishes, making them a beloved kitchen staple for many.

27 June - National HIV Testing Day


National HIV Testing Day is observed annually on June 27th in the United States. This day is dedicated to encouraging people to get tested for HIV, know their status, and seek treatment if necessary. The initiative aims to raise awareness about the importance of regular HIV testing as a key strategy in preventing the spread of HIV and improving the lives of those living with the virus.

On this day, numerous organizations, health departments, and community groups across the country offer free or low-cost HIV testing and provide educational resources about HIV prevention, testing, and treatment. Events often include outreach activities, social media campaigns, and collaborations with local healthcare providers to make testing more accessible.

National HIV Testing Day is a crucial part of the broader efforts to end the HIV epidemic and reduce the stigma associated with HIV testing and diagnosis. The theme for the day varies each year, but it consistently focuses on the importance of getting tested and knowing one's HIV status.

27 June - National Sunglasses Day USA


National Sunglasses Day in the USA is celebrated annually on  27th June. The day is promoted by The Vision Council to raise awareness about the importance of wearing sunglasses to protect the eyes from harmful UV rays. It's a reminder to everyone to wear sunglasses to protect their eye health and to be stylish while doing so. The day often involves promotions by eyewear brands, educational campaigns, and social media activities encouraging people to share photos of themselves in their favorite sunglasses using hashtags like #NationalSunglassesDay.

27 June - Maharaja Ranjit Singh death anniversary


Maharaja Ranjit Singh (1780–1839), also known as the "Lion of Punjab," was the founder and leader of the Sikh Empire in the early 19th century. He established a powerful and culturally rich state in the northwest region of the Indian subcontinent, encompassing present-day Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, and parts of Jammu and Kashmir.

Key Points about Maharaja Ranjit Singh:

  1. Early Life:

    • Born on 13 November 1780, in Gujranwala, now in Pakistan.
    • Became the chief of the Sukerchakia Misl, one of the 12 Sikh Misls (confederacies), at a young age after the death of his father.
  2. Establishment of the Sikh Empire:

    • Unified the Sikh factions and expanded his territory through diplomacy and military conquests.
    • Successfully annexed Lahore in 1799, which became the capital of his empire.
  3. Administration and Governance:

    • Known for his secular approach to governance, promoting religious tolerance and inclusion.
    • Established a modern and efficient administration with well-defined revenue and judicial systems.
    • Maintained a formidable army, modernizing it with European military techniques and technologies.
  4. Cultural Contributions:

    • Patronized the arts, culture, and education, leading to a flourishing of Punjabi culture during his reign.
    • Constructed and restored many significant Sikh religious sites, including the Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple) in Amritsar.
  5. Foreign Relations:

    • Skillfully managed relationships with neighboring states and the British East India Company, maintaining the independence and sovereignty of his empire.
    • Formed alliances and maintained diplomatic relations with various foreign powers, including Afghanistan and Nepal.
  6. Death and Legacy:

    • Passed away on 27 June 1839.
    • His death marked the beginning of the decline of the Sikh Empire, which eventually fell to the British in 1849.
    • Remembered as a visionary leader who united the Sikh community and created a strong and prosperous state.

Maharaja Ranjit Singh's legacy continues to be celebrated for his contributions to the Sikh community, his remarkable leadership, and his efforts to foster a multicultural and inclusive society.

27 June - National Handshake Day in USA


 In the United States, National Handshake Day is often associated with a campaign called "Handshake America," which aims to promote the importance of face-to-face communication and the traditional handshake as a means of connection and building relationships.

The specific date for National Handshake Day may vary depending on the source or organization promoting it. Some sources suggest that it is observed on June 28th, while others mention different dates such as the last Thursday in June or the second Thursday in July. However, it's important to note that these dates are not widely recognized or officially established.

The concept of National Handshake Day serves as a reminder of the significance of personal interactions and the role that handshakes can play in establishing rapport and trust. It encourages people to engage in face-to-face conversations and connect with others through this traditional gesture.

If you are interested in celebrating National Handshake Day or promoting its ideals, I recommend researching the specific initiatives or organizations associated with it to learn more about their intended purpose and any suggested activities or events.