List of days of the year

21 May - Omeo Kumar Das birth anniversary


Omeo Kumar Das (21 May 1895 – 23 January 1975), popularly addressed as Lok Nayak, was an Indian social worker, Gandhian, educationist, writer and a former minister at the Government of Assam. He held various ministerial portfolios such as Education, Labour and Food and Civil Supplies, during various periods, in the state of Assam.He translated The Story of My Experiments with Truth, the autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi, into Assamese language and contributed to the implementation of Tea Plantation Worker’s Provident Fund in the state. The Government of India awarded him the third highest civilian honour of the Padma Bhushan, in 1963, for his contributions to society. India Post honoured Das by issuing a commemorative stamp on him on 15 May 1998.

21 May - Narasimha Jayanti


Narasimha Jayanti is a significant Hindu festival that celebrates the birth of Lord Narasimha, an avatar of the god Vishnu. This festival is observed on the 14th day of the bright half (Shukla Paksha) of the month of Vaisakha, according to the Hindu lunar calendar, which usually falls in April or May in the Gregorian calendar.

Lord Narasimha is depicted as a half-man, half-lion deity, and his incarnation is believed to have taken place to protect his devotee Prahlada from his tyrannical father, King Hiranyakashipu. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Narasimha emerged from a pillar to kill the demon king Hiranyakashipu, thereby restoring Dharma and protecting his devotee.

Key aspects of Narasimha Jayanti celebrations include:

  1. Fasting: Devotees typically observe a fast on this day. Some may observe a complete fast, while others may consume fruits and milk.

  2. Puja and Rituals: Special prayers and rituals are performed in temples dedicated to Lord Vishnu and Narasimha. Devotees offer flowers, fruits, sweets, and other items during the puja.

  3. Recitation of Scriptures: Devotees read and recite stories and hymns related to Lord Narasimha, particularly the Narasimha Kavacha and chapters from the Bhagavata Purana that narrate the story of Prahlada and Narasimha.

  4. Visiting Temples: Many devotees visit Vishnu or Narasimha temples to offer their prayers and seek blessings.

  5. Cultural Programs: Some communities organize cultural programs, including dramas and plays, depicting the story of Prahlada and the appearance of Lord Narasimha.

Narasimha Jayanti is a day of devotion and spiritual significance for Hindus, emphasizing the themes of protection, faith, and the victory of good over evil.


21 May - World Meditation Day


World Meditation Day is celebrated annually on May 21st. This day is dedicated to promoting the practice of meditation as a way to improve mental health, well-being, and overall quality of life. Meditation, an ancient practice with roots in various spiritual and religious traditions, is widely recognized for its benefits in reducing stress, enhancing focus, and fostering inner peace.

On World Meditation Day, people around the world are encouraged to take time out of their day to meditate, whether they are beginners or experienced practitioners. Activities and events associated with this day may include:

  1. Guided Meditation Sessions: Many organizations and meditation centers offer free or special guided meditation sessions, both in-person and online, to help people get started or deepen their practice.

  2. Workshops and Seminars: Educational events may be held to teach different meditation techniques and discuss the science behind the benefits of meditation.

  3. Community Gatherings: Groups may gather in parks, community centers, or other public spaces to meditate together, fostering a sense of community and shared experience.

  4. Social Media Campaigns: People share their meditation experiences, tips, and the benefits they’ve observed using hashtags like #WorldMeditationDay to spread awareness and encourage others to join in.

  5. Personal Practice: Individuals may use this day as an opportunity to start a daily meditation practice or to set aside additional time for meditation in their daily routine.

World Meditation Day serves as a reminder of the importance of taking time for self-care and mental well-being, encouraging people to incorporate mindfulness and meditation into their lives.

21 May - The American Red Cross is established by Clara Barton.


The American Red Cross was established by Clara Barton. She founded the organization on 21 May 1881. Barton was inspired by her experiences during the Civil War and by the International Red Cross movement, which she learned about while visiting Europe. She dedicated herself to creating an American branch to provide emergency assistance, disaster relief, and education.

21 May - Day of Patriots and Military (Hungary)


The Day of Patriots and Military in Hungary, observed on May 21st, commemorates the recapture of the Buda Castle from the Ottoman Empire in 1686. This significant event marked the end of a long period of Ottoman occupation and was a crucial victory in the struggle to reclaim Hungarian territories.

The day is dedicated to honoring the bravery and sacrifices of Hungarian patriots and military personnel who have defended the country's sovereignty and freedom throughout its history. It is marked by various ceremonies, including military parades, wreath-laying at memorials, and other patriotic events that reflect on Hungary's military heritage and national pride.


21 May - Navy Day (Chile)


Navy Day in Chile, known as "Día de las Glorias Navales," is celebrated on May 21st. This day commemorates the Battle of Iquique, which took place on May 21, 1879, during the War of the Pacific. The battle is famous for the heroic actions of Captain Arturo Prat and his crew aboard the Chilean ship Esmeralda. Despite being outgunned and outnumbered, Prat and his men fought valiantly against the Peruvian ironclad Huáscar.

Captain Prat's bravery and ultimate sacrifice became a symbol of Chilean naval heroism and patriotism. Navy Day is marked by various ceremonies and events throughout Chile, including parades, naval demonstrations, and official speeches. It is a significant public holiday and a time for Chileans to honor their naval history and the sacrifices made by those who serve in the Chilean Navy.


21 May - Saint Helena Day


Saint Helena Day is celebrated on May 21st in honor of Saint Helena, the mother of Roman Emperor Constantine the Great. Saint Helena is traditionally credited with finding the True Cross, the cross upon which Jesus Christ was crucified. The day commemorates her contributions to Christianity and her role in Christian history.

In addition to its religious significance, Saint Helena Day is also recognized as a public holiday on the island of Saint Helena, a British Overseas Territory in the South Atlantic Ocean. The island was named after Saint Helena because it was discovered by the Portuguese navigator João da Nova on May 21, 1502, the feast day of Saint Helena. The day is marked by various celebrations and events on the island.