November 18 is celebrated as World Adult Day to tackle the growing aging
problem. It is an initiative to urge adults to live with their old
parents and help them. One of the biggest social transformations is
population ageing. Soon, the world will have older people than children
and more people of old age than ever before. Their health is determined
by and contributes to broad social trends. Becoming an Adult that old
saying “enjoy being a kid while you can” or when people told you that
when you’re an adult that you will miss being a kid. Everything they
told you as a kid was true. As a kid you have no responsibilities, no
bills, and no worries. Adulthood is divided into three stages, early,
middle, and late adulthood. The definition in the dictionary states an
adult means being completely grown: fully developed and mature. Becoming
an adult, also known as young adulthood, is a very crucial stage in
one’s life. This is the climax of physical and health processes. This is
the point in life when we make plans of our futures. It is the time
when we think of what life will be like as an adult and make plans for
the future. Everyone eventually becomes an adult but just because you
turn eighteen does not mean you should be considered as one. Being an
adult means being the bigger person in difficult situations. An adult is
considered to be “living at home” or “living with parents” on the basis
of the adult’s relationship to the head of the household. An adult is
“living with parents” if at least one parent resides in the household.
In 1910, the life expectancy for a female was 33 years, but today it is
82 years. This represents a remarkable gain of almost 50 years of life.
The past century has seen remarkable improvements in life expectancy.
This is largely due to improvements in public health. With the growing
medical advancements and awareness about health issues, women are living
6 to 8 years longer than the men. The number of people around the age
of 60 or more is likely to grow from 900 million to 2 billion up to
2050. Young adults are marrying later i.e., 29 for men and 27 for women.
However, many youth experience setbacks by becoming parents too,
dropping out of school, failing to find work etc. Getting old can be
hard, especially when you are not used to it. Doing taxes, keeping the
house and yourself clean, handling a job and making sure you are having
three meals a day, can be a little too much to ask. However, at the end
of the day, it is indeed satisfying that you have the whole house to
yourself and you are living a self-made life.