List of days of the year

14 July - Shark Awareness Day

Shark Awareness Day is observed on July 14 of every year. Sharks are at more risks from humans than the vice verse. Survival of many shark species is at high risk due to hunting, pollution, and climatic changes. Shark Awareness Day was created to spread awareness about the danger of sharks. Shark kills lesser humans than humans to sharks. There are around 400 species of sharks around the world and ranges from 8 inches to 50 feet in size. Sharks can detect the even small drop of blood in the ocean from a long distance, and they are the significant predator in the food chain which makes them a fascinating creature. Most species of sharks are carnivorous, feeding on fishes, crustaceans and even on seals and dolphins. Sharks are cunning hunters, but they are not picky in their eating habit. In spite of their strength and aggressiveness sharks population are continually declining due to various threats mainly because of humans. Sharks play a critical role in maintaining the food chain by removing all weak animals from the ocean and keeping the sea population healthy, and fit.