List of days of the year

05 September - Jagdeo Prasad death anniversary

Babu Jagdeo Prasad
( 02 February 1922 – 05 September 1974) was a prominent Indian socialist leader and activist, often referred to as the "Lenin of Bihar" for his unwavering dedication to social justice and the rights of the oppressed. Born into a poor, socially marginalized family in Kurtha, Arwal district, Bihar, Prasad experienced firsthand the harsh realities of caste-based discrimination and economic inequality. He pursued higher education at Patna University, where he became deeply involved in socialist ideologies and student politics. Throughout his political career, Prasad was a fierce advocate for the backward classes, Dalits, and other marginalized communities, opposing the entrenched upper-caste dominance in Bihar.

In 1967, he founded the Shoshit Dal (Party of the Exploited), which focused on representing the interests of these communities and pushing for land reforms, reservations in education and employment, and greater political representation. Prasad's fiery speeches and commitment to challenging social injustices made him a significant figure in Bihar's socialist movement. Tragically, on 5 September 1974, he was killed by police forces during a protest in his hometown, marking him as a martyr for the cause of social justice. His legacy continues to inspire movements for equality and justice in India, particularly in Bihar, where his contributions are deeply revered.

05 September - Jayant Pandurang Naik birth anniversary


Jayant Pandurang Naik, also known as J. P. Naik (5 September 1907 – 30 August 1981) was an Indian educator.

A great humanist, freedom fighter, polymath, encyclopedic thinker and socialist educationist. Recognized by the UNESCO alongside Rabindranath Tagore and Mahatma Gandhi as three pioneering educationists, J.P. Naik is also known as an institution maker. Born at very small town in Kolhapur district Bahirewadi, Taluka-Ajara

He founded the Indian Institute of Education in 1948

He served as Member Secretary of the Indian Education Commission from 1964 to 1966

He also was Educational Adviser to the Government of India

05 September - Munich massacre occurred during the Summer Olympics in Munich in 1972



On September 5, 1972, the Munich massacre occurred during the Summer Olympics in Munich, West Germany. Members of a Palestinian terrorist group known as "Black September" stormed the Olympic Village, where athletes were staying, and took 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team hostage. The terrorists demanded the release of Palestinian prisoners held in Israel and the release of two German radicals in exchange for the hostages' lives.

Tragically, the situation escalated when a failed rescue attempt by German authorities at the Fürstenfeldbruck airbase resulted in a shootout between the terrorists and the police. In the end, all 11 Israeli athletes, along with a German police officer and five of the terrorists, lost their lives during the tragic events that unfolded. This event remains one of the most infamous acts of terrorism in the history of the Olympic Games and had a profound impact on future security measures at international sporting events.