List of days of the year

24 August - The printing work of the Gutenberg Bible was completed


On August 24 , 1456, the printing of the famous Gutenberg Bible was completed.The Gutenberg Bible was the first major book printed with movable type in the West, applying the newly developed technology by Johannes Gutenberg. Widely praised for its high aesthetic and artistic qualities, the book has an iconic status.

The Gutenberg Bible was printed by Johannes Gutenberg, a German inventor and printer, in Mainz, Germany. It was one of the earliest major books printed using movable metal type in Europe. The printing press Gutenberg developed allowed for the efficient reproduction of texts, revolutionizing the way information was disseminated.

The Gutenberg Bible contained the Latin Vulgate translation of the Bible and was printed in a large folio format with 42 lines of text per page, hence its alternative name, the 42-line Bible. It is estimated that around 180 copies of the Gutenberg Bible were produced, but only a limited number of complete copies have survived to the present day.

The Gutenberg Bible not only had a profound impact on the spread of knowledge but also played a crucial role in the advancement of literacy and the democratization of information. It laid the foundation for the mass production of books and contributed to the flourishing of Renaissance thought and culture.

The completion of the printing work of the Gutenberg Bible in the mid-15th century heralded a new era in communication, intellectual exchange, and the preservation of human knowledge. It remains a testament to the power of innovation and invention in shaping the course of history.

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