List of days of the year

27 June - National HIV Testing Day


National HIV Testing Day is observed annually on June 27th in the United States. This day is dedicated to encouraging people to get tested for HIV, know their status, and seek treatment if necessary. The initiative aims to raise awareness about the importance of regular HIV testing as a key strategy in preventing the spread of HIV and improving the lives of those living with the virus.

On this day, numerous organizations, health departments, and community groups across the country offer free or low-cost HIV testing and provide educational resources about HIV prevention, testing, and treatment. Events often include outreach activities, social media campaigns, and collaborations with local healthcare providers to make testing more accessible.

National HIV Testing Day is a crucial part of the broader efforts to end the HIV epidemic and reduce the stigma associated with HIV testing and diagnosis. The theme for the day varies each year, but it consistently focuses on the importance of getting tested and knowing one's HIV status.

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