List of days of the year

27 June - National Handshake Day in USA


 In the United States, National Handshake Day is often associated with a campaign called "Handshake America," which aims to promote the importance of face-to-face communication and the traditional handshake as a means of connection and building relationships.

The specific date for National Handshake Day may vary depending on the source or organization promoting it. Some sources suggest that it is observed on June 28th, while others mention different dates such as the last Thursday in June or the second Thursday in July. However, it's important to note that these dates are not widely recognized or officially established.

The concept of National Handshake Day serves as a reminder of the significance of personal interactions and the role that handshakes can play in establishing rapport and trust. It encourages people to engage in face-to-face conversations and connect with others through this traditional gesture.

If you are interested in celebrating National Handshake Day or promoting its ideals, I recommend researching the specific initiatives or organizations associated with it to learn more about their intended purpose and any suggested activities or events.

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