List of days of the year

09 June -Coral Triangle Day

Coral Triangle Day is celebrated annually on June 9th to raise awareness about the importance of the Coral Triangle, a marine area located in the western Pacific Ocean. The Coral Triangle is recognized for its extraordinary biodiversity and is often referred to as the "Amazon of the seas" due to its rich marine life. This day is dedicated to promoting conservation efforts and sustainable practices to protect this vital ecosystem.


The Coral Triangle encompasses the waters of six countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Solomon Islands, and Timor-Leste. This region is home to 76% of the world's coral species, over 2,000 species of reef fish, and numerous species of sharks, rays, and marine mammals. It also supports the livelihoods of more than 120 million people who depend on its resources for food, income, and coastal protection.


Coral Triangle Day highlights the critical importance of the Coral Triangle for global marine biodiversity, fisheries, and the overall health of the world's oceans. It underscores the need for coordinated efforts among governments, organizations, and communities to address threats such as overfishing, climate change, habitat destruction, and pollution.

Observance and Activities

Coral Triangle Day is marked by a variety of events and activities organized by governments, non-governmental organizations, local communities, and environmental groups. These activities aim to educate the public and promote actions that contribute to the conservation and sustainable management of marine resources.

Goals of Coral Triangle Day

  • Conservation Awareness: Increase public awareness about the Coral Triangle's ecological importance and the urgent need to protect its marine biodiversity.
  • Sustainable Practices: Promote sustainable fishing and tourism practices that minimize negative impacts on the marine environment.
  • Community Engagement: Encourage local communities to actively participate in conservation efforts and sustainable resource management.
  • Policy Advocacy: Advocate for stronger policies and international cooperation to address environmental challenges and promote sustainable development in the Coral Triangle region.

    Coral Triangle area:

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