List of days of the year

09 June -Autonomy Day (Åland)


Autonomy Day, known as "Självstyrelsedagen" in Swedish, is celebrated annually on June 9th in Åland, an autonomous and demilitarized region of Finland. This day commemorates the establishment of Åland's autonomy, which was formalized through the Åland Islands Act, enacted by the Parliament of Finland on June 9, 1922. The autonomy arrangement was later recognized and confirmed by the League of Nations.

Historical Background

Åland, an archipelago in the Baltic Sea, has a unique historical and cultural identity, predominantly Swedish-speaking despite being part of Finland. Following Finland's independence from Russia in 1917, the Åland Islands sought to reunite with Sweden. However, the matter was referred to the League of Nations, which in 1921 decided that Åland would remain part of Finland but would be granted extensive autonomy to preserve its Swedish language and culture.

The Åland Islands Act of 1922 formalized this autonomy, providing Åland with its own parliament (the Lagting) and the right to manage many of its own affairs, including education, health, and local government. This arrangement has allowed Åland to maintain a high degree of self-governance while remaining part of Finland.

Observance and Celebrations

Autonomy Day is a public holiday in Åland and is marked by various events and activities that celebrate the region's unique identity and self-governance.


Autonomy Day holds profound significance for the people of Åland, serving as a reminder of their unique status and the successful preservation of their language and cultural identity. The day emphasizes:

  • Celebration of Autonomy: It marks the establishment of self-governance and the successful exercise of autonomous powers.
  • Cultural Preservation: The day underscores the importance of preserving Åland's Swedish language and cultural traditions.
  • Political Identity: It highlights Åland's distinct political and administrative status within Finland and the broader international community.
  • Community Pride: The celebrations foster a sense of pride and belonging among the residents of Åland.

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