List of days of the year

10 May - The process of making the chariots commences on the occasion of Akshaya Tritiya of lord jagannath


The process of making the chariots for the annual Rath Yatra festival of Lord Jagannath, which takes place in Puri, Odisha, commences on the auspicious occasion of Akshaya Tritiya. This festival usually occurs in June or July.

Akshaya Tritiya marks the beginning of construction for the three majestic chariots that will carry the deities - Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra, and Devi Subhadra - during the Rath Yatra procession. Skilled artisans and carpenters start crafting these intricately designed chariots using traditional methods and materials.

The chariots are built anew every year, symbolizing the cycle of creation and renewal. Devotees believe that participating in the construction or contributing to the building of these chariots brings immense spiritual merit and blessings.

The construction process involves various rituals and ceremonies to sanctify the materials and invoke divine blessings for the success and safety of the Rath Yatra. It is a time of great enthusiasm and devotion as devotees eagerly anticipate the grand procession where they can catch a glimpse of the deities and seek their blessings.


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