List of days of the year

12 August - Father’s Day (Samoa)


Father’s Day in Samoa is celebrated on the second Sunday of August each year. This special day is dedicated to honoring fathers and father figures, recognizing their role in the family and their contributions to the community. It is a day filled with love, respect, and appreciation for the men who provide guidance, support, and care to their families.

In Samoa, Father’s Day is observed with various cultural and religious activities. Families often attend church services where fathers are acknowledged and prayed for, and the day is marked by traditional Samoan feasts, known as "to'ona'i," where families come together to enjoy a meal and celebrate. Children might give their fathers gifts or prepare special treats to show their gratitude.

The day reflects the deep respect for family and the important role that fathers play in Samoan society. It’s a time for families to bond and express their love, making it a cherished occasion in the cultural calendar of Samoa.

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