List of days of the year

11 August - Christiaan Eijkman birth anniversary


Christiaan Eijkman (11 August 1858 – 5 November 1930) was a Dutch physician and pathologist who is best known for his significant contributions to the understanding of nutrition and health, particularly in relation to vitamin deficiencies and diseases.

Eijkman's most notable achievement came through his work on beriberi, a disease that was prevalent in many parts of Asia. He conducted research in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and observed that a diet consisting mainly of polished (refined) rice led to the development of beriberi among chickens. He discovered that substituting the polished rice with unpolished rice prevented the disease.

This discovery marked a pivotal moment in nutritional science, as it led to the understanding that beriberi was caused by a dietary deficiency. Eijkman's research contributed to the eventual identification of vitamins, particularly vitamin B1 (thiamine), as an essential nutrient for preventing beriberi and maintaining good health.

Eijkman was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1929, along with Sir Frederick Hopkins, for their discoveries related to vitamins and their impact on health. His work not only helped in understanding the causes of nutritional deficiencies but also laid the foundation for further research into vitamins and their importance for human well-being.

Christiaan Eijkman's contributions continue to be celebrated in the field of medicine and nutrition, and his research has had a lasting impact on public health and the prevention of deficiency diseases.


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