List of days of the year

11 July - China National Maritime Day (China)


China National Maritime Day is observed on July 11 each year. This day commemorates the maritime history and achievements of China, highlighting the importance of maritime activities to the country's economy, culture, and development. The date was chosen to honor the historic voyage of Zheng He, the famous Chinese mariner, explorer, and diplomat of the Ming Dynasty, who set sail on his first voyage on July 11, 1405.

Zheng He led seven major expeditions between 1405 and 1433, reaching as far as Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, and East Africa. These voyages significantly enhanced China's maritime presence and trade networks.

China National Maritime Day serves as an opportunity to promote maritime awareness, celebrate the contributions of the maritime industry, and emphasize the importance of maritime safety and environmental protection. It is marked by various events and activities, including exhibitions, seminars, and maritime-themed educational programs.

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