List of days of the year

09 July - Constitutionalist Revolution Day Portugal

Constitutionalist Revolution Day, also known as "Dia da Revolução Constitucionalista" in Portuguese, is a public holiday observed annually on July 9th in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Here's a detailed overview of this historical event and its significance:


  • Date and Origin: Constitutionalist Revolution Day commemorates the start of the São Paulo Constitutional Revolution (Revolução Constitucionalista de São Paulo) on July 9, 1932.
  • Causes: The revolution was a response to the overthrow of the Brazilian Constitution of 1891 by President Getúlio Vargas, who assumed power through a coup in 1930. São Paulo, Brazil's wealthiest state at the time, led the opposition against Vargas' centralizing policies and his government's disregard for state autonomy and democratic principles.

Key Events and Phases

  • Revolutionary Movement: The uprising was sparked by the political and economic discontent in São Paulo, exacerbated by the centralization of power under Vargas' regime.
  • Military Conflict: The revolution quickly turned into armed conflict between the state of São Paulo and the federal government forces loyal to Vargas.
  • Duration and Outcome: Lasting from July to October 1932, the revolution was ultimately suppressed by the superior military strength of the federal forces. Despite its defeat, the uprising highlighted the desire for constitutionalism, democracy, and regional autonomy in Brazil.


  • Symbol of Resistance: The Constitutionalist Revolution became a symbol of São Paulo's resistance against authoritarian rule and a rallying cry for democracy and state rights.
  • Legacy: Although the revolution failed in its immediate goals, it contributed to the eventual reinstatement of democratic governance in Brazil. Vargas' dictatorship ended in 1945, and a new constitution was promulgated in 1946, reflecting some of the principles for which the revolutionaries had fought.
  • Cultural and Political Impact: Constitutionalist Revolution Day is a significant cultural and political observance in São Paulo, commemorated with parades, ceremonies, and cultural events. It serves as a reminder of the state's historical role in defending democratic principles and constitutional rights.


  • Public Observance: On July 9th each year, São Paulo and other parts of Brazil honor the memory of the revolutionaries who fought and died for their beliefs. Flags are flown at half-mast, and events are held to pay tribute to the martyrs and heroes of the Constitutionalist Revolution.
  • Education and Awareness: Schools and institutions use the occasion to educate younger generations about the history and significance of the revolution in shaping Brazil's political landscape.

Constitutionalist Revolution Day continues to hold significance in Brazil, particularly in São Paulo, as a reminder of the struggle for democracy and constitutional rights during a critical period in the nation's history.

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