List of days of the year

23 May - Pär Fabian Lagerkvist birth anniversary


Pär Fabian Lagerkvist was a Swedish author and poet who was born on May 23, 1891, in Växjö, Sweden, and died on July 11, 1974, in Stockholm, Sweden. Lagerkvist is considered one of Sweden's most prominent literary figures of the 20th century.

Lagerkvist's work often explored existential and philosophical themes, delving into the complexities of the human condition. He wrote poetry, novels, plays, and essays, covering a wide range of subjects including religion, morality, and the nature of evil.

One of Lagerkvist's most notable works is the novel "The Dwarf" (Swedish: "Dvärgen"), published in 1944. It tells the story of a dwarf named Piccoline, who serves as the court jester and observer in a fictional Renaissance court. Through the perspective of the dwarf, Lagerkvist offers a critical examination of power, cruelty, and the darkness of the human soul.

Lagerkvist was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1951 for his "vivid, earnest, and multifaceted artistry." The Nobel committee highlighted his ability to express "man's essential nature" and his exploration of "fundamental questions of good and evil."

In addition to "The Dwarf," Lagerkvist's other notable works include "Barabbas" (1950), a novel that imagines the life of the biblical character Barabbas after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and "The Sibyl" (1956), a play that delves into the mythological figure of the sibyl and the themes of power and prophecy.

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