List of days of the year

04 February - Josef Kajetán Tyl birth anniversary


Josef Kajetán Tyl ( 04 February  1808 – 11 July 1856) was a Czech playwright, poet, and actor, best known for writing the lyrics to the Czech national anthem and for his contributions to Czech theater. He played a significant role in the Czech National Revival, which aimed to revive and promote Czech culture and identity.

Tyl's most famous work is the libretto for the opera "Fidlovačka, aneb Žádný hněv a žádná rvačka" (The Brandenburgers in Bohemia), composed by Bedřich Smetana. Additionally, he wrote the lyrics to the Czech national anthem, "Kde domov můj?" ("Where is My Home?").

Josef Kajetán Tyl was not only a prolific writer but also an influential figure in the cultural and political landscape of the Czech National Revival during the 19th century. His contributions played a crucial role in fostering a sense of national identity among the Czech people.


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