List of days of the year

04 February - Concepción Arenal death anniversary


Concepción Arenal (born María Concepción Jacinta Catalina Arenal Ponte on 31 January 1820 – died 04 February 1893) was a Spanish feminist, social activist, and writer. She is considered one of the most important figures in Spanish feminism and social reform during the 19th century.

Concepción Arenal dedicated her life to advocating for social justice and women's rights. She focused on issues such as prison reform, education, and the rights of women and the poor. Arenal was the first woman in Spain to attend university, although she was not officially enrolled, and she faced many challenges in pursuing her education.

Her notable works include "La beneficencia, la filantropía y la caridad" (Philanthropy, Charity, and Beneficence), in which she addressed issues related to social welfare and charitable work.

Concepción Arenal's contributions to feminist thought and social reform have left a lasting impact on Spain, and she is remembered as a pioneering figure in the fight for equality and justice.


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