List of days of the year

09 December - Surdas birth anniversary


Surdas, also known as Sant Surdas, was a 15th-century Hindu devotional poet and singer. He is celebrated for his beautiful and spiritually uplifting poems and songs dedicated to Lord Krishna. Surdas was born on  09December 1478, in Sihi, a village near Delhi, India.

Surdas is renowned for his devotion to Lord Krishna and is considered one of the prominent poets of the Bhakti movement, which emphasized a deep, personal connection with the divine through devotion and love. His compositions, which were primarily in the Braj Bhasha language, reflect his love for Lord Krishna and are filled with stories and praises of the deity. Some of his most famous works include the "Sursagar," a collection of his songs and poems.

Surdas' poetry and music continue to be cherished and sung by devotees and artists, making a lasting impact on the culture and spiritual traditions of India. His contributions to devotional literature and the arts remain influential and highly regarded to this day.

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