List of days of the year

09 May - Tenzing Norgay death anniversary


Tenzing Norgay was born on 29 May 1914, in the village of Thame in the Khumbu region of Nepal, which is situated near Mount Everest. He was originally named Namgyal Wangdi, but he later adopted the name Tenzing Norgay.

Norgay began his career in mountaineering as a porter at a young age, accompanying various expeditions in the Himalayas. His skills, strength, and knowledge of the mountains soon earned him recognition among climbers and expedition leaders.

In 1953, Tenzing Norgay was chosen as one of the Sherpa guides for the British expedition led by Sir John Hunt, whose aim was to reach the summit of Mount Everest. The expedition included several experienced climbers, but it was Tenzing Norgay and Sir Edmund Hillary who successfully reached the summit on 29 May 1953.

Tenzing Norgay's ascent of Everest marked a significant milestone in mountaineering history, and he became a global icon overnight. Following his Everest expedition, Norgay continued to be involved in mountaineering and exploration. He led many treks and expeditions in the Himalayas and became an advocate for Sherpa rights and Himalayan conservation.

Throughout his life, Tenzing Norgay received numerous honors and awards for his contributions to mountaineering and his efforts to promote Sherpa culture. He passed away on 09 May 1986, but his legacy continues to inspire adventurers and climbers around the world.

09 May - First horse drawn carriage debuted in Mumbai in 1874


On 9 May 1874, first horse drawn carriage debuted in Mumbai.

Tangas were popular before the advent of automobiles and are still in use in some parts of the Indian subcontinent. They are a popular mode of transportation because they are fun to ride in, and are usually cheaper to hire than a taxi or rickshaw.

Tanga is a two-wheeled carriage drawn by one or two horses and can carry up to four passengers. It was a common sight on the streets of Mumbai during the colonial era, and many locals used it as a mode of transportation for short distances. The carriage was named after the Indian city of Tangier, where it was first used by the British.

Tanga remained a popular mode of transportation in Mumbai for several decades, even after the introduction of motor vehicles. However, their use declined in the mid-20th century, and they are now a rare sight in the city. Nowadays, Tanga rides are mostly used by tourists who want to experience the traditional mode of transportation and explore the city's historical landmarks.

In recent years, there have been efforts to revive the use of Tanga in Mumbai as a tourist attraction, but there are also concerns about the welfare of the horses used to pull the carriages and efforts to regulate their use to ensure their well-being.


09 May - Independence Day of Romania


Romania celebrates its Independence Day on May 9th. This day commemorates Romania's declaration of independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1877. Following the signing of the Treaty of San Stefano between Russia and the Ottoman Empire, which recognized Romania's independence, Romania's Independence Day became a significant national holiday.

Celebrations on Independence Day typically include official ceremonies, flag-raising events, parades, cultural performances, and fireworks displays across the country. It's a time for Romanians to reflect on their nation's history, honor the struggles and sacrifices of their ancestors, and celebrate the sovereignty and unity of their country.

Independence Day is an important occasion for national pride and solidarity in Romania, serving as a reminder of the country's journey to independence and its ongoing commitment to democracy, freedom, and progress.


09 May - Liberation Day in Jersey and Guernsey


Liberation Day in Jersey and Guernsey holds deep historical significance for the residents of these Channel Islands. Here are some more details about the events surrounding Liberation Day:

  1. Occupation Period: German forces occupied Jersey and Guernsey from June 1940 until May 1945. During this time, the islands experienced significant hardships, including food shortages, curfews, and restrictions on movement. Many islanders were deported to internment camps, and the islands' infrastructure was heavily militarized.

  2. Allied Liberation: Liberation Day marks the day when British and Allied forces liberated Jersey and Guernsey from German occupation. This occurred on May 9, 1945, following Germany's surrender in World War II.

  3. Celebrations: Liberation Day is celebrated with a series of events and activities across both islands. These celebrations typically include:

    • Official Ceremonies: The day often begins with official ceremonies, including flag-raising ceremonies, wreath-laying at war memorials, and speeches by local officials.

    • Parades: Colorful parades featuring military personnel, veterans, and community groups are a common feature of Liberation Day celebrations. These parades often wind through the streets of towns and villages, accompanied by music and cheering crowds.

    • Reenactments: Historical reenactments of key moments from the liberation period may take place, allowing residents and visitors to experience a glimpse of life during the occupation and the joy of liberation.

    • Concerts and Entertainment: Live music concerts, dance performances, and other entertainment events are organized to mark the occasion. These events often showcase local talent and celebrate the island's culture and heritage.

    • Community Gatherings: Liberation Day is also a time for communities to come together for picnics, street parties, and family-friendly activities. It's a day of unity and reflection, as islanders remember the sacrifices made during the war and celebrate the freedom and peace they enjoy today.

  4. Remembrance: While Liberation Day is a time for celebration, it's also a time for remembrance. Islanders honor the memory of those who lost their lives during the occupation, as well as the resilience and courage of those who lived through those challenging times.

Overall, Liberation Day holds a special place in the hearts of Jersey and Guernsey residents, serving as a reminder of the islands' shared history and the enduring spirit of freedom and community.


09 May - Europe Day (European Union)


May 9th is Europe Day, celebrated by the European Union (EU) to mark the anniversary of the Schuman Declaration in 1950. This declaration, made by French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman, proposed the creation of a European Coal and Steel Community, which laid the foundation for what would eventually become the European Union.

Europe Day is observed throughout the EU and aims to promote peace and unity among European nations. It's a time to celebrate European identity and diversity, as well as to reflect on the achievements of European integration. Various events, conferences, and cultural activities take place across Europe to mark the occasion, emphasizing the values of cooperation, solidarity, and mutual understanding among EU member states.


09 May - Victory Day Russia


Victory Day in Russia, celebrated on May 9th, commemorates the surrender of Nazi Germany in 1945, marking the end of World War II in Europe. It's one of the most significant holidays in Russia, honoring the bravery and sacrifices of the Soviet people during the war. On this day, there are elaborate ceremonies, military parades, and gatherings across the country, particularly in Moscow's Red Square. It's a time for reflection, remembrance, and paying tribute to the millions who lost their lives defending their homeland and defeating fascism. Victory Day is not only about acknowledging the past but also about fostering unity and national pride in contemporary Russia.

09 May - 5th Asian Table Tennis Championships postage stamp isued in 1980


A commemorative postage stamp issued on 09 May 1980. The 5th Asian Table Tennis Championships 1980 were held in Calcutta, India, from 10 to 18 May 1980. It was organised by the Table Tennis Federation of India under the authority of Asian Table Tennis Union and International Table Tennis Federation . The Stamp and first day cover depicts The Table Tennis game in progress.The design of the cancellation includes the graphic presentation of table tennis player as well as the inscription in Hindi and English.

09 May - Durgabai Deshmukh death anniversary


Durgabai Deshmukh was an Indian social worker, activist, and politician who was born on July 15, 1909, in Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, India. She is best known for her work in the fields of education, women's empowerment, and rural development.

Durgabai Deshmukh started her career as a teacher and later became a social worker. She founded the Andhra Mahila Sabha in 1937, which was aimed at promoting women's education and empowerment. In 1944, she established the Andhra Balika Sangh, a school for girls, which was one of the first of its kind in the country.

Durgabai Deshmukh was also actively involved in the Indian independence movement and was a member of the Constituent Assembly of India. She was appointed as the chairperson of the National Council for Women in India in 1953 and served in that position until 1962.

In recognition of her contributions to society, Durgabai Deshmukh was awarded the Padma Bhushan in 1956 and the Padma Vibhushan in 1990, two of the highest civilian awards in India. She passed away on May 9, 1981, in Delhi, India.


09 May - Christopher Columbus Left Spain on his 4th and final trip to the New World in 1502


Christopher Columbus, was an Italian explorer, navigator, and colonist who completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean under the auspices of the Catholic Monarchs of Spain. Left Spain on his 4th and final trip to the New World on 9 May 1502

08 May - National School Nurse Day USA


National School Nurse Day is an annual observance in the United States dedicated to recognizing the contributions and impact of school nurses. It falls on the Wednesday of National Nurses Week, which is typically celebrated during the first week of May each year.

School nurses play a vital role in promoting the health and well-being of students in educational settings. They provide a wide range of services, including first aid, administering medication, managing chronic health conditions, conducting health screenings, and offering health education and counseling.

National School Nurse Day serves as an opportunity to honor the dedication and hard work of school nurses, as well as to raise awareness about the critical role they play in supporting student health and academic success. It's a time to express appreciation for their compassion, expertise, and commitment to keeping students safe and healthy throughout the school year. Many schools and communities may organize special events, recognition ceremonies, or gestures of gratitude to commemorate this day and show their support for school nurses.