List of days of the year

09 May - First horse drawn carriage debuted in Mumbai in 1874


On 9 May 1874, first horse drawn carriage debuted in Mumbai.

Tangas were popular before the advent of automobiles and are still in use in some parts of the Indian subcontinent. They are a popular mode of transportation because they are fun to ride in, and are usually cheaper to hire than a taxi or rickshaw.

Tanga is a two-wheeled carriage drawn by one or two horses and can carry up to four passengers. It was a common sight on the streets of Mumbai during the colonial era, and many locals used it as a mode of transportation for short distances. The carriage was named after the Indian city of Tangier, where it was first used by the British.

Tanga remained a popular mode of transportation in Mumbai for several decades, even after the introduction of motor vehicles. However, their use declined in the mid-20th century, and they are now a rare sight in the city. Nowadays, Tanga rides are mostly used by tourists who want to experience the traditional mode of transportation and explore the city's historical landmarks.

In recent years, there have been efforts to revive the use of Tanga in Mumbai as a tourist attraction, but there are also concerns about the welfare of the horses used to pull the carriages and efforts to regulate their use to ensure their well-being.


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