List of days of the year

24 February - Navam Full Moon Poya Day 2024


Navam Full Moon Poya Day is a Buddhist observance that falls on the full moon day of the lunar month of Navam, typically occurring in February. The term "Poya" refers to the full moon day in the Buddhist calendar, and each Poya day is dedicated to the commemoration of significant events in the life of Lord Buddha or the promotion of ethical and spiritual practices.

Key aspects of Navam Full Moon Poya Day include:

  1. Magha Puja: Navam Poya Day is also known as Magha Poya in Sri Lanka, and it is associated with the gathering of 1,250 arahants (enlightened disciples) who spontaneously assembled to hear the Buddha preach. This event is similar to the Makha Bucha Day observed in other Theravada Buddhist countries.

  2. Religious Observances: Devotees engage in various religious activities on Navam Full Moon Poya Day, including visiting temples, making offerings to monks, and participating in prayers and meditation.

  3. Observance of Precepts: Buddhists often renew their commitment to ethical conduct by observing the Five Precepts. These precepts are fundamental guidelines for moral living and include refraining from killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, false speech, and intoxication.

  4. Almsgiving and Charity: As with many Poya days, devotees may engage in acts of generosity, such as providing alms to monks, supporting charitable causes, and practicing kindness towards others.

  5. Dhamma Talks: Buddhist monks may deliver Dhamma talks or discourses, focusing on the teachings of the Buddha and offering guidance on the path to enlightenment.

Navam Full Moon Poya Day is a time for reflection, meditation, and the reinforcement of spiritual principles. The specific customs and rituals associated with this observance can vary across different regions where Theravada Buddhism is practiced, but the central theme remains the commemoration of important events in the life of Lord Buddha and the cultivation of mindfulness and virtuous living.

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