List of days of the year

22 May - Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra to Bari (Ukraine)


The feast of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra to Bari is celebrated on May 22nd, particularly among Orthodox Christians in Ukraine and other countries. This day commemorates the event in 1087 when the relics of Saint Nicholas, the Bishop of Myra, were transferred to Bari, Italy, to protect them from Turkish invaders.

Saint Nicholas, also known as Nicholas the Wonderworker, is one of the most revered saints in both the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic traditions. His relics were moved from Myra (modern-day Demre, Turkey) to Bari, where they are now enshrined in the Basilica di San Nicola. This translation was significant as it helped preserve the relics during a time of uncertainty and conflict in the region.

In Ukraine, the day is observed with various religious activities:

  1. Divine Liturgy: Special church services, including the Divine Liturgy, are held to honor Saint Nicholas and celebrate the transfer of his relics.
  2. Prayers and Hymns: Devotees participate in prayers and hymns dedicated to Saint Nicholas, asking for his intercession and blessings.
  3. Processions: In some areas, religious processions may take place, symbolizing the journey of Saint Nicholas's relics from Myra to Bari.
  4. Icon Veneration: Icons of Saint Nicholas are venerated, and people light candles and offer flowers as a sign of respect and devotion.
  5. Reflection on Saint Nicholas’s Life: Sermons and teachings focus on the life, miracles, and enduring legacy of Saint Nicholas, emphasizing his role as a protector and miracle-worker.

This feast day is a significant religious observance, reflecting the deep veneration of Saint Nicholas in Ukrainian Orthodox Christianity and his importance as a spiritual figure of charity, protection, and miracles.

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