List of days of the year

26 September - Revolution Day in Yemen


Revolution Day in Yemen, celebrated on 26 September commemorates the Yemeni Revolution of 1962, which marked the end of the centuries-old monarchy and the establishment of the Yemen Arab Republic (North Yemen). The revolution began when army officers, inspired by Arab nationalist movements and supported by Egypt's President Gamal Abdel Nasser, overthrew the rule of Imam Muhammad al-Badr, the last ruler of the Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen.

On 26 September 1962, revolutionary forces, led by Abdullah al-Sallal, stormed the royal palace in Sana'a and declared the establishment of a republican government. This event set off a civil war between republican forces, supported by Egypt, and royalist factions, backed by Saudi Arabia. The conflict, which lasted until 1970, ended with the eventual victory of the republicans and the consolidation of the Yemen Arab Republic.

Revolution Day is a significant public holiday in Yemen, symbolizing the country's struggle for self-determination and modernization. It is marked with patriotic events, parades, and speeches, reflecting on the sacrifices made for independence and the ongoing challenges faced by the nation.

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