List of days of the year

24 September - Bhikaiji Cama birth anniversary


Bhikaiji Cama, whose full name was Bhikaiji Rustom Cama, was an Indian independence activist and a prominent figure in the struggle for India's freedom from British colonial rule. She was born on September 24, 1861, in Bombay (now Mumbai), India, and passed away on August 13, 1936, in Mumbai.

Key points about Bhikaiji Cama include:

  1. Early Life and Education: She was born to a wealthy Parsi family and received a good education. She studied in London and was exposed to ideas of nationalism and freedom during her time in England.

  2. Involvement in the Independence Movement: Bhikaiji Cama became actively involved in the Indian independence movement. She was associated with leaders like Dadabhai Naoroji and Dadabhai Naoroji. She was a member of organizations like the Indian National Congress and the Home Rule League.

  3. The Flag of Indian Independence: Bhikaiji Cama is perhaps best known for designing and unfurling the first version of the Indian national flag in Stuttgart, Germany, in 1907. The flag was green, saffron, and red, with symbols representing different aspects of India's struggle for freedom.

  4. Exile: Due to her involvement in revolutionary activities, Bhikaiji Cama had to go into exile in Europe to escape British authorities. She continued her activism from abroad, publishing journals and participating in conferences to garner international support for India's independence.

  5. Death: She returned to India in 1935 after a long exile. Sadly, she passed away in Mumbai the following year, in 1936.

Bhikaiji Cama's contributions to India's struggle for independence and her role in popularizing the Indian flag on the international stage are remembered and honored in Indian history and by those who continue to strive for freedom and social justice in India.

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