List of days of the year

11 September - The island of Manhattan was discovered by navigator Henry Hudson


The island of Manhattan was first sighted by Henry Hudson, an English navigator and explorer, on September 11, 1609. Hudson was employed by the Dutch East India Company to find a northwest passage to Asia. During his voyage aboard the ship Halve Maen (Half Moon), Hudson explored what is now the northeastern coast of the United States.

Discovery and Exploration

  • Manhattan Island: On 11 September 1609, Hudson and his crew arrived at the island of Manhattan. They were the first Europeans to document and explore the area, although the island was already inhabited by the Lenape people, who had lived there for thousands of years.

  • Hudson River: Hudson sailed up the river that would later be named after him—the Hudson River—reaching as far north as present-day Albany, New York. He was exploring the river in the hope that it might be a passage to the Pacific Ocean. However, the river eventually narrowed, and Hudson realized it was not a route to Asia.

Impact and Legacy

  • Dutch Settlement: Although Hudson was English, his exploration led to the establishment of Dutch claims in the region. The Dutch later founded New Amsterdam on Manhattan Island in 1625, which eventually became New York City after the English took control of the territory in 1664.

  • Hudson's Legacy: Henry Hudson's exploration of the region paved the way for European colonization of the northeastern United States. The Hudson River, Hudson Bay, and Hudson Strait in Canada are all named in his honor, reflecting his contributions to exploration in North America.

Henry Hudson's discovery of Manhattan was a key moment in the history of New York, setting the stage for the city's development as one of the most important urban centers in the world.

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