List of days of the year

20 July - World Jump Day


World Jump Day was an internet phenomenon that emerged in 2006. It was a proposed event that claimed that if a sufficient number of people simultaneously jumped in the air on a specific day, it would alter Earth's orbit and "move" the planet away from its current trajectory, thereby correcting climate change.

The origin of World Jump Day can be traced back to a website,, which was created to promote this idea. The website stated that if 600 million people jumped at the same time on July 20, 2006, it would create a shift in Earth's orbit and lead to a 2-millisecond change in the length of the day. The claim was not supported by any scientific evidence and was widely criticized by experts.

It's essential to note that the idea behind World Jump Day was purely fictional and not based on any scientific principles. Earth's orbit and climate are complex phenomena influenced by a vast array of factors, and a simple act of people jumping in unison would not have any impact on them.

In reality, to address climate change or any global issues, concerted efforts are required on a global scale, involving scientific research, policy changes, and widespread behavioral shifts. World Jump Day remains a curious internet event from the past, but it has no scientific basis or significance.

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