List of days of the year

16 July - Ukraine declared independence in 1990


On 16 July 1990, Ukraine took a significant step toward independence by adopting the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine. This declaration, passed by the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic's parliament, affirmed Ukraine's intention to become a sovereign state, independent from the Soviet Union. The declaration emphasized principles such as the supremacy of Ukrainian law over Soviet law, economic autonomy, and the right to form its own military.

The momentum for full independence continued to build, and on 24 August 1991, following a failed coup attempt in Moscow, the Ukrainian parliament declared complete independence from the Soviet Union. This declaration was overwhelmingly supported by the Ukrainian population in a referendum held on 01 December 1991, with over 90% voting in favor of independence.

Ukraine's declaration of independence marked a crucial turning point in its history, leading to the establishment of the modern Ukrainian state. It set the stage for Ukraine's development as a sovereign nation, shaping its political, economic, and social landscape in the years to come.

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