List of days of the year

15 July - Alzheimer's Discease Was Named After It's Inventor Alzheimier


On 15 July 1910, the term "Alzheimer's disease" was first used in a publication by the German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin. The disease was named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer, who had first described the symptoms and pathology of the condition in 1906. Dr. Alzheimer had observed the case of a woman, Auguste Deter, who had profound memory loss, disorientation, and other cognitive impairments. After her death, Dr. Alzheimer studied her brain and found distinctive plaques and tangles, which are now recognized as hallmarks of the disease.

This naming marked a significant moment in the history of medical science, acknowledging Dr. Alzheimer's contributions and setting the foundation for future research into this now widely known and studied neurodegenerative disorder.


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