List of days of the year

12 July - National French Fry Day in USA


National French Fry Day is celebrated annually on July 12th in the United States. This day is dedicated to one of the most beloved and iconic snacks: the French fry. Whether crinkle-cut, shoestring, waffle, curly, or steak-cut, French fries have captured the hearts and taste buds of Americans and people worldwide.

Historical Background

The origins of French fries are somewhat disputed, with both France and Belgium claiming to have invented the popular dish. The most widely accepted story suggests that fries were first made in Belgium in the late 17th century. Fishermen in the Meuse Valley are said to have fried small fish for their meals, but during the winter when the river froze and fishing was not possible, they began frying thin strips of potatoes instead. The name "French fries" is believed to have been popularized by American soldiers stationed in Belgium during World War I, who referred to the fried potatoes as "French" due to the French language spoken in that region.

Celebrating National French Fry Day

  • Restaurant Specials: Many restaurants and fast-food chains offer special deals and discounts on French fries. Some even provide free fries to customers to celebrate the day.
  • Home Cooking: People also enjoy making French fries at home, experimenting with different types of potatoes, seasonings, and cooking methods. Homemade fries can be baked, deep-fried, or air-fried for a healthier option.
  • Social Media: Food enthusiasts share their favorite French fry recipes, photos, and experiences on social media using hashtags like #NationalFrenchFryDay and #FrenchFries, creating a virtual community of fry lovers.
  • Fries Toppings and Dips: Part of the fun of French fries is experimenting with various toppings and dips. Popular choices include ketchup, mayonnaise, cheese, chili, gravy (for poutine), and a variety of seasoned salts.

Fun Facts about French Fries

  • Global Variations: French fries are enjoyed globally, with variations like the British "chips," Canadian "poutine" (fries topped with cheese curds and gravy), and "patatje oorlog" in the Netherlands (fries with mayonnaise, raw onions, and peanut sauce).
  • Consumption: Americans consume an estimated 30 pounds of French fries per person annually.
  • Shapes and Sizes: French fries come in many shapes and sizes, from thin shoestring fries to thick steak fries, each with its own unique texture and flavor profile.

Health Considerations

While French fries are undoubtedly delicious, they are also often high in calories, fat, and sodium. Opting for baked or air-fried versions can be a healthier alternative. Additionally, pairing fries with nutrient-rich toppings like guacamole or salsa can add a nutritional boost.


National French Fry Day is a delightful occasion for indulging in one of the world's favorite comfort foods. Whether enjoyed at a restaurant, cooked at home, or shared with friends online, French fries bring joy and satisfaction to many. So, on July 12th, grab a serving of your favorite style of fries and join in the celebration of this crispy, golden treat!


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