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Information Post - Rename of Burma To Myanmar


The country we commonly refer to as "Burma" in English is officially known as "Myanmar" in its native language. The name change from "Burma" to "Myanmar" was initiated by the ruling military junta on 18 June1989.

The military government at the time claimed that "Myanmar" was a more inclusive term, representing all of the country's various ethnic groups, whereas "Burma" was associated with the dominant Bamar ethnic group. However, this name change was and still is a subject of political controversy, and some groups, including opposition figures and ethnic minorities, continued to use the name "Burma" as they felt the change was imposed undemocratically by the military regime.

Many countries and international organizations also continue to use "Burma" instead of "Myanmar" due to various political, historical, and human rights considerations. It's worth noting that the United Nations, for example, officially recognizes the country as "Myanmar" as it follows the government's request. However, the name issue remains a topic of debate and contention.

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