List of days of the year

30 June - International Day of Parliamentarism


The International Day of Parliamentarism, celebrated on June 30th, is an annual observance established by the United Nations to acknowledge the pivotal role of parliaments in representing the voice of the people, passing laws, and ensuring accountability in government. This day marks the anniversary of the founding of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in 1889, the global organization of national parliaments that works to promote democratic governance, institutions, and values.

The International Day of Parliamentarism serves to highlight the importance of strong, effective, and representative parliaments in ensuring democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. It emphasizes the role of parliaments in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly through the creation of inclusive laws and policies that leave no one behind. Parliaments are essential for representing the will of the people, providing a forum for debate on public issues, passing legislation, and overseeing the executive branch.

On this day, parliaments and parliamentarians around the world engage in activities to promote transparency, accountability, and public engagement in the legislative process. These activities include open house events, public forums, educational initiatives, and the dissemination of information about the work and impact of parliamentary institutions. The day also provides an opportunity to reflect on the challenges facing parliaments, such as corruption, lack of inclusivity, and threats to the democratic process, and to discuss ways to strengthen parliamentary functions and independence.

The International Day of Parliamentarism underscores the importance of international cooperation among parliaments through organizations like the IPU. It fosters dialogue and the sharing of best practices among parliamentarians to enhance their legislative and oversight functions. By celebrating this day, the international community reaffirms its commitment to supporting parliaments in their critical role in building democratic societies and ensuring that the voices of all citizens are heard and represented.

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