List of days of the year

25 June - Day of the Seafarer


The Day of the Seafarer is an international observance established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to recognize the invaluable contributions of seafarers to global trade and economy. Celebrated annually on June 25, it aims to raise awareness about the challenges faced by seafarers and to acknowledge their essential role in ensuring the world's supply chain continues to function smoothly.

Background and Significance

  • Establishment: The Day of the Seafarer was established by a resolution adopted by the IMO in 2010, and the first observance was held on June 25, 2011.
  • Significance: The day highlights the critical role seafarers play in the international maritime industry. It also seeks to promote awareness about the issues affecting seafarers, including their working conditions, safety, and well-being.


  • Recognition: To honor seafarers for their contributions to global commerce and their role in the maritime industry.
  • Awareness: To raise public awareness about the unique and often challenging nature of seafaring.
  • Support: To promote the rights and welfare of seafarers, advocating for better working conditions and safety standards.
  • Education: To educate the public and policymakers about the importance of the maritime sector and the need to support those who work at sea.

Themes and Activities

Each year, the IMO selects a specific theme to focus on various aspects of seafaring and the maritime industry. Themes have included topics such as gender equality, safety at sea, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on seafarers.


  • Events and Campaigns: Various events and campaigns are organized globally to celebrate the day, including seminars, workshops, and social media campaigns.
  • Public Statements: Government officials, maritime organizations, and industry leaders often make statements to acknowledge the contributions of seafarers.
  • Social Media: The use of hashtags like #SeafarerDay and #ThankYouSeafarers on social media platforms helps to spread the message and engage a wider audience.

Challenges Faced by Seafarers

  • Isolation: Long periods away from family and home, leading to social and emotional challenges.
  • Working Conditions: Often difficult and hazardous working conditions, including long hours and exposure to harsh weather.
  • Safety and Health: Risks related to accidents, piracy, and health issues.
  • Regulation Compliance: Navigating complex international regulations and ensuring compliance with safety standards.

Impact of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the essential role of seafarers while also exacerbating many of the challenges they face. Travel restrictions and port closures led to extended contracts, isolation, and difficulties in crew changes, bringing global attention to the need for better support and recognition for seafarers.

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