List of days of the year

15 June - World Juggling Day


World Juggling Day is celebrated annually on the Saturday closest to June 17th. The event is organized by the International Jugglers' Association (IJA) to celebrate and promote the art and skill of juggling. Here are some key points about World Juggling Day:


  • Celebration of Juggling: The day is dedicated to celebrating juggling as a performing art and recreational activity, recognizing the skills and creativity of jugglers worldwide.
  • Promotion: It aims to promote juggling as a fun and beneficial activity that can enhance coordination, concentration, and physical fitness.


  • Juggling Events: Enthusiasts organize various events such as juggling performances, workshops, and competitions. These events can take place in public spaces, schools, community centers, and online.
  • Social Media: Jugglers share their skills and experiences on social media using hashtags like #WorldJugglingDay to connect with a global community and inspire others to take up juggling.
  • Learning Opportunities: Workshops and tutorials are often provided for beginners who want to learn how to juggle, fostering an inclusive environment for people of all ages and skill levels.


  • International Jugglers' Association (IJA): Founded in 1947, the IJA is one of the leading organizations dedicated to the promotion and preservation of juggling. World Juggling Day was established to celebrate the IJA's anniversary and to bring the juggling community together.
  • Annual Celebration: The day has been celebrated for many years, growing in popularity as more people discover the joys and benefits of juggling.

Benefits of Juggling:

  • Physical Exercise: Juggling is a form of physical exercise that can improve hand-eye coordination, reflexes, and overall fitness.
  • Mental Stimulation: It challenges the brain, improving focus, concentration, and problem-solving skills.
  • Stress Relief: Juggling can be a relaxing and meditative activity, providing a break from daily stresses.

How to Participate:

  • Join or Host an Event: Look for local juggling events or consider hosting your own. Events can be as simple as a small gathering in a park or as elaborate as a public performance.
  • Learn to Juggle: Use online resources, tutorials, and local workshops to learn the basics of juggling or improve your skills.
  • Share Your Skills: Participate in online communities, share videos and photos of your juggling on social media, and connect with other jugglers around the world.

World Juggling Day is a fun and inclusive celebration that highlights the joy of juggling and encourages people to explore this engaging activity.

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