List of days of the year

13 June - National Pigeon Day in the USA


National Pigeon Day in the USA, celebrated annually on June 13th, is an event dedicated to honoring and recognizing the contributions of pigeons throughout history, as well as promoting awareness about their welfare and changing public perceptions. Here's a detailed overview:

Origins and Purpose

  1. Historical Significance:

    • War Heroes: Pigeons, particularly during World War I and World War II, played crucial roles as message carriers. Notable pigeons like Cher Ami and G.I. Joe saved countless lives by delivering vital messages across enemy lines.
    • Communication: Before modern communication technologies, pigeons were used to carry messages over long distances, thanks to their homing ability.
  2. Modern Perception:

    • Pigeons are often seen as pests in urban environments, earning nicknames like "rats with wings." National Pigeon Day aims to challenge these negative perceptions and highlight the pigeons' intelligence and historical significance.

Activities and Celebrations

  1. Educational Events:

    • Lectures and Talks: Experts and historians give presentations about the historical roles of pigeons, their biology, and their impact on human society.
    • Exhibits: Museums and wildlife centers might set up special exhibits showcasing the history and contributions of pigeons.
  2. Pigeon Racing and Demonstrations:

    • Races: Pigeon racing events demonstrate the birds' homing abilities and endurance.
    • Flight Demonstrations: Organized to showcase the pigeons' flight skills and navigation.
  3. Community Engagement:

    • Awareness Campaigns: Activities to educate the public on how to coexist with pigeons in urban environments.
    • Pigeon-Friendly Practices: Promoting humane ways to manage pigeon populations and care for injured or sick birds.
  4. Media and Social Media:

    • Documentaries and Films: Screenings of documentaries that highlight the roles pigeons have played in history.
    • Social Media Campaigns: Hashtags and online posts to share facts, stories, and pictures of pigeons, encouraging a positive view of these birds.

Notable Stories and Achievements

  1. Cher Ami: A famous World War I pigeon credited with saving nearly 200 soldiers by delivering a crucial message despite being injured.
  2. G.I. Joe: An American pigeon awarded for his service during World War II, having saved the lives of British troops by delivering a message that prevented a bombing.

Prominent Supporters

  1. Pigeon Enthusiasts and Breeders: Many pigeon fanciers and breeders participate in National Pigeon Day to share their passion and knowledge about pigeons.
  2. Animal Welfare Organizations: Groups dedicated to the protection and care of birds often support and promote the day’s events.


  1. Education: Increase public knowledge about pigeons' positive contributions and their role in history.
  2. Conservation: Encourage practices that protect and support pigeon populations.
  3. Perception Change: Shift public perception from viewing pigeons as nuisances to recognizing them as valuable and intelligent birds.

National Pigeon Day serves as an important reminder of the unique relationship between humans and pigeons, celebrating their contributions and fostering a greater appreciation for these often-overlooked birds.

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