List of days of the year

06 June - Sukarno birth anniversary


June 6th marks the birth anniversary of Sukarno, a prominent Indonesian nationalist leader and the first President of Indonesia. Born on June 6, 1901, Sukarno played a crucial role in Indonesia's struggle for independence from Dutch colonial rule and subsequently became a central figure in the country's early post-independence history.

Key Points About Sukarno:

  1. Early Life and Education:

    • Born in Surabaya, East Java, Sukarno was named Kusno Sosrodihardjo. Later, he was renamed Sukarno after surviving an illness.
    • He pursued his education in Surabaya and later attended the Technische Hogeschool (now Institut Teknologi Bandung) in Bandung, where he studied civil engineering.
  2. Political Career and Struggle for Independence:

    • Sukarno co-founded the Indonesian National Party (PNI) in 1927, advocating for independence from Dutch colonial rule.
    • He was imprisoned and exiled multiple times by the Dutch authorities due to his activism and outspoken opposition to colonialism.
    • During World War II, Japan occupied Indonesia, and Sukarno initially collaborated with the Japanese, seeing it as a means to achieve independence.
  3. Proclamation of Independence:

    • On August 17, 1945, following Japan's surrender in World War II, Sukarno, along with Mohammad Hatta, proclaimed Indonesia's independence.
    • Sukarno became the first President of Indonesia, with Hatta serving as Vice President.
  4. Presidency and Policies:

    • Sukarno's presidency saw the adoption of the "Guided Democracy" system, which aimed to stabilize the country by reducing the influence of political parties.
    • He introduced the concept of "Nasakom" (Nationalism, Religion, and Communism) to unite the diverse Indonesian population.
    • His foreign policy was characterized by a strong anti-imperialist stance, and he played a leading role in the Non-Aligned Movement.
  5. Downfall and Legacy:

    • Sukarno's presidency faced challenges, including economic difficulties, political unrest, and the rise of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI).
    • In 1965-1966, a failed coup attempt led to a violent anti-communist purge and the rise of General Suharto, who gradually took over power.
    • Sukarno was officially removed from power in 1967 and placed under house arrest until his death on June 21, 1970.

Significance of Sukarno:

Sukarno is remembered as the father of the Indonesian nation and a key figure in the country's fight for independence. His vision and leadership laid the foundation for modern Indonesia, and his efforts to promote unity and nationalism continue to influence Indonesian society today. His birth anniversary is a time for Indonesians to reflect on their nation's history and the enduring impact of Sukarno's contributions to their country's identity and independence.


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