List of days of the year

03 June - Partition of India was announced at a press conference by Lord Louis Mountbatten


On June 3, 1947, the Partition of India was announced at a press conference by Lord Louis Mountbatten, the last Viceroy of India. During this announcement, the date for India's independence, August 15, 1947, was also declared. This historic event marked the end of British colonial rule in India and the division of the country into two separate nations: India and Pakistan. The announcement followed extensive negotiations and consultations with Indian political leaders and was aimed at addressing the growing tensions and demands for separate nations by the Hindu and Muslim communities.

The plan, often referred to as the Mountbatten Plan, outlined the steps for the partition, including the division of assets and territories, and set the stage for the creation of the Dominion of India and the Dominion of Pakistan. The announcement and subsequent partition led to significant upheaval, including mass migrations, communal violence, and a profound impact on the lives of millions of people. Despite the challenges, August 15, 1947, became a day of immense historical significance, marking the birth of two sovereign nations and the beginning of a new era in the subcontinent's history.

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