The final mission of Space Shuttle Endeavour, designated STS-134, took place from May 16 to June 1, 2011. However, its final landing occurred on June 1, 2011, at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, marking the completion of its 25th and final flight.
During the STS-134 mission, Endeavour delivered the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer-2 (AMS-2), a particle physics experiment, to the International Space Station (ISS). The crew conducted spacewalks and performed various tasks to upgrade and maintain the ISS.
Space Shuttle Endeavour had a notable career spanning over two decades. It was the fifth and final operational shuttle to be built by NASA and made its first flight on May 7, 1992. Throughout its service, Endeavour completed a total of 25 missions, including the first servicing mission to the Hubble Space Telescope.
After its retirement, Endeavour was placed on display at the California Science Center in Los Angeles, California. It serves as a major exhibit, allowing visitors to learn about the history and achievements of the Space Shuttle program.
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